Week of December 25, 2005
ARTICLE: Amelia Robinson Europe Tour
TRANSCRIPT: Amelia Robinson speech to Berlin Bueso meeting in Germany
LaROUCHE SHOW: LYM Panel Looks to 2006: Poised on the Stage of History
FIDELIO 2000: Lyndon LaRouche: Prometheus and Europe
Week of December 18, 2005
Week of December 11, 2005
FIDELIO 1997: The Epinomis and the Complex Domain
ARTICLE: Amelia Robinson Takes Italy Word from the True America
ARTICLE: Amelia Robinson Inspires L.A. Youth (includes downloadable sound file)
LaROUCHE SHOW: First-Hand Reports of EIRs Dec. 6 Berlin Strategic Seminar.
LaROUCHE SHOW: Save Auto/Machine-Tool SectorWith Harry Hopkins-Style Recovery Plan.
Week of November 27, 2005
FIDELIO 1993: A Setting of Schillers Dignity of Women
LaROUCHE SHOW: What Todays Economists Can Learn from Johannes Kepler.
UPDATE: Highlights Page
FIDELIO 1996: GW Leibniz and the Ecumenical Alliance of All Eurasia
FIDELIO 1996: Percy Bysshe Shelley and the Motivfuehrung Principle
Week of November 20, 2005
ARTICLE: Amelia Boynton Robinson Changes Seattle
LaROUCHE SHOW: UAW Local Pres. Mark Sweazy, LaRouche Rep. Bob Bowen
Week of November 13, 2005
UPDATE: Schiller Institute Highlights Page Updated
Week of November 6, 2005
AUDIO FILE AND LYRICS: Battle Cry of Freedom Sung by LaRouche Youth Movement
AUDIO FILE: LaRouche Show Interviews California Democratic Party Officials
FIDELIO ARTICLE; Music, Politics, and J.S. Bach's Jesu, meine Freude
FIDELIO ARTICLE, 1995: Erasmus of Rotterdam: The Educator's Educator
Week of October 30, 2005
STATEMENT: Helga Zepp-LaRouches Berlin Appeal to the U.S. Senate For a New Atlantic Alliance
MEMORIAM: Amelia Boynton Robinson Remembers Her Friend Rosa Parks
LaROUCHE SHOW: UAW Local Pres. Mark Sweazy, LaRouche Rep Bob Bowen
Week of October 23, 2005
LaRouche Show Audio: Justin Frank, author of Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President, Interviewed on the LaRouche Show
FIDELIO 1993: Population Growth Is Caused By Renaissances
FIDELIO 1998: 1797 - The "Year of the Ballad: In the Poets' Workshop"
Week of October 16, 2005
FIDELIO 1992: Nicolaus of Cusa's "On the Hidden God"
FIDELIO 1996: Peter Abelard: Discoverer of Individuality in the Feudal Age
FIDELIO 1996: Dialogue Among a Philosopher, a Jew, and a Christian, by Peter Abelard
Week of October 9, 2005
LaROUCHE SHOW: Guest Speaker Helga Zepp-LaRouche
LaROUCHE HISTORICAL SPEECH: 1988 Kempinski Hotel Speech Forcasting the Collapse of the Soviet Union
Week of October 2, 2005
LaROUCHE PRESS RELEASE: Hyperinflationary Patterns: Inflation Runs Wild!
HIGHLIGHT: Amelia Boynton Robinson Visits Detroit, Michigan
Week of September 25, 2005
FIDELIO 2004: Excerpts From "On the Conceptions that Underlie Space"by A G Kästner
Week of September 11, 2005
FIDELIO 1995: The Schöne Müllerin and the Mathematical-Sublime
AUDIO File: LaRouche Show Updated
Week of August 27, 2005
STATEMENT: Lyndon LaRouche Statement: "Our 'Tsunami' Was Called Katrina
FIDELIO 1994: African-American Spirituals And the Classical Setting Of Strophic Poetry
LaROUCHE SHOW AUDIO: LaRouche Show Discussion with Germany's LYM
Week of August 21, 2005
TRANSCRIPT AND AUDIO: LaRouche Show on LaRouche Youth Movement Music Work
VIDEO FILE: "The Man in the Iron Mask" Video about Lyndon LaRouche
AUDIO FILE: LaRouche Show Covers Cheney's Spoonbenders
Week of August 14, 2005
STATEMENT: Helga Zepp-LaRouche Against a New Iran War and Withdrawing German Troops From Afghanistan
AUDIO: LaRouche Show Features Local UAW Leader and LaRouche Rep Bowen
STATEMENT: LaRouche on Cheneys Guns of August
Week of August 7, 2005
FIDELIO 1994: Beauty as a Necessary Condition of Humanity, by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
LaROUCHE SHOW AUDIO: LaRouche Show Updated
Week of July 31, 2005
LaROUCHE SHOW AUDIO/VIDEO: Lyndon LaRouche on The LaRouche Show
FIDELIO 1994: What Mathematics Can Learn From Classical Music
Week of July 24, 2005
FIDELIO 1999: Pope A Metaphysician! An Anonymous Pamphlet in Defense of Leibniz
by Gotthold Lessing and Moses Mendelssohn
Week of July 17, 2005
LaROUCHE SHOW AUDIO: Helga Zepp LaRouche on The LaRouche Show
Week of July 10, 2005
CONFERENCE: EIR Economic Seminar in Berlin Discusses Monetary-Financial Strategy
FIDELIO 1992: Mozart's 1782-1786 Revolution in Music Illustrations
AUDIO FILE: LaRouche Show: Stop the BRAC and VA Budget Cuts
Week of July 3, 2005
TRANSLATION: On Schiller and the Course of His Spiritual Devolopment
FIDELIO: Num Kommt die Schillerzeit!: Friedrich Schiller And His Friends
SCHILLER TRANSLATION: On Naïve and Sentimental Poetry
AUDIO FILE: LaRouche Show Updated
Week of June 26, 2005
FIDELIO 1995: How Venice Rigged the First, And Worst, Global Financial Collapse
AUDIO FILE: Hear the 1985 Schiller Institute Chorus Perform Mozart's Requiem
AUDIO FILE: Amelia Boynton Robinson Recitation: "The Dissatisfied Violet"
Highlights of Schiller Institute Activities
Week of June 19, 2005
FIDELIO: Num Kommt die Schillerzeit!:
What Is, and To What End Do We Study, Schiller In the Year 2005? by Helga Zepp LaRouche
Week of June 12, 2005
FIDELIO Issue Released! Spring/Summer 2005 - Schiller Symposium
Helga Zepp LaRouche on the LaRouche Show: Transcript
LaRouche Show Updated
Week of June 5, 2005
FIDELIO Article 1992: Lyndon LaRouche: The Classical Idea: Natural and Artistic Beauty
LaRouche Show Updated
Week of May 22, 2005
Translation of Heinrich Heines Poem Ascension
LaRouche Show Updated
Week of May 15, 2005
LaRouche in 2005 Page Updated with Photos
Schiller Poem TranslationThe Division of the World
Updated With Link to Signers: Appeal for the New Bretton Woods ~2005
Week of May 8, 2005
LaRouche Youth Movement Panel on Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar"
Interview with Violinist Norbert Brainin,
FIDELIO Article: An Early Setting of the "Ode to Joy"
Week of May 1, 2005
Why We Must Save the Machine Tool Industry
FIDELIO 1994:Interview With Afrika Hayes: Growing Up With Roland Hayes
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Issues Renewed Appeal for the New Bretton Woods
LaRouche Show Updated
Week of April 24, 2005
FIDELIO 1996: LaRouche: "How Hobbes' Mathematics Misshaped Modern History"
FIDELIO 1996: Schiller: "Some Thoughts on the first Human Society Following the Guiding
Thread of the Mosaic DocumentsTransition of Man to Freedom and Humanity"
Week of April 17, 2005
Amelia Boynton Robinsons Bridge Across Jordon, Published in Italian
Schiller Institute Message on the Passing of Pope John Paul II
Obituary for Violinst Norbert Brainin
Week of April 10, 2005
FIDELIO 1996: The Classical Curriculum of Wilhelm von Humboldt
Translation of Heinrich Heine's Belshazzar
LaRouche Show Updated
Week of April 3, 2005
Translation of Schiller's Essay Of the Aesthetic Estimation of Magnitude
Translation of Schiller's Introduction to The Revolt of The Netherlands
Translation of Schiller's Poem Hero and Leander
LaRouche Show Updated
Week of February 27, 2005
Message from Amelia Boynton Robinson on the 40th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday
Lyndon LaRouche's Schiller Institute Conference Keynote II Transcript
Midwest LaRouche Jubilee Singers Perform in Michigan
Presidents' Day Conference Video/Audio Archives Available
Instituto Schiller (Spanish Language) Video/Audio Files
Week of February 13, 2005
Schiller Institute Presidents Day Conference Program
An Introduction to Pythagorean Sphaerics
Week of February 6, 2005
Highlights of the Schiller Institute Updated
President Garfield and the Pythagorean Theorem
Week of January 31, 2005
FIDELIO: Bernhard Riemann's "Dirichlet's Principle"
Invitation to Schiller Institute/ICLC Presidents Day Conference
Week of January 23, 2005
Berlin Seminar - Towards a New Treaty of Westphalia
Week of January 16, 2005
Lyndon LaRouche Address to Berlin Seminar
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Address to Berlin Seminar
FIDELIO: Winter 2004 Issue Released
Week of January 9, 2005
FIDELIO 1997: Lyndon LaRouche Spaceless-Timeless Boundaries in Leibniz
The Machine Tool Principle: The Brains of Profit
Week of December 26, 2004
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Statement: The Worst Flood Catastrophe in History:
The World Needs a New Just World Economic Order!
FIDELIOv1997: Friederich Schillers Poem "The Walk"
FIDELIO 1999: Two Dialogues by Benjamin Franklin
FIDELIO 1996: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Homeostatic Simulation
Helga Zepp-LaRouche celebrates 20th Schiller Institute Anniversary
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Interview on Philippine Radio
Week of December 19, 2004
LaRouche Show Page Updated- Listen to all the Archives
FIDELIO 1995: The Commonwealth of Frances Louis XI: Fruit of the European Renaissance
2004 Dialogues with Lyndon and Helga LaRouche Page Updated
Seasons Greetings from the Schiller Institute and Amelia Boynton Robinson
Week of December 5, 2004
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr: The Great Crash of 2004-2005 Is Here
The Emperor's New Clothes (Story by Hans Christian Andersen, 1837)
Highlights of the Schiller Institute Page Updated
Week of November 28, 2004
FIDELIO Translation 1995: King Louis XI: "The Rosebush of War" (c.1483)
LaRouche Show Updated-- Jeff Steinberg Interviews John Perkins ("Economic Hitman")
FIDELIO Article 1996 The Mandeville Model by Graham Lowry
Transcript from the Schiller Institute-ICLC Labor Day Conference:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: 'The Crash Began in Germany'
Week of November 21, 2004
FIDELIO Translation 1994: Nicolaus of Cusas On the Quadrature of the Circle
FIDELIO 1994: On LaRouches Discovery
Week of November 14, 2004
FIDELIO 1994: Lyndon LaRouche: The Fraud of Algebraic Causality
Week of November 7, 2004
German Text/English Translation of Bachs Motet Jesu, meine Freude
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