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Jacques Cheminade Statement:
French Political Leader Jacques Cheminade on April 4, on Behalf of the Schiller Institute, Released the Following Statement on the Death of the Pope, under the title John Paul Among Us: The death of John Paul II is for us all a tragedy, and a star illuminating in the most intimate way our own lives. A tragedy, because in these terrible moments of injustice which we endure on a world scale, and in the very fabric of our societies, his presence was a ray of hope and a source of courage. His loss is like the snuffing out of a beacon. A tragedybut also a star which gives light, because we inherit his fight against what he called the structures of sin, illumined by his encyclicals and in the name of the universal goal of human welfare. Culture of life and civilization of love must no longer be empty words repeated behind closed doors, but truths to which we must bear witness in the public square. Let us read and re-read Laborem Exercens or Centesimus Annus not with lukewarm agreementbut rather at the risk of transforming our lives. This is why our obligation is more than ever to defend the cause of our fellow men everywhere and of shared development, having a heart to love our enemies, for if we hate them, we can never transform nor elevate them. The repeated revelation of our physical limitations as mortal beings is all the more terrible when those who disappear are the human beings who have borne witness to the transcendent; however, it is also and above all the moment at which to us is transmitted their share in immortality. May we remain ever faithful to him in thought and deed in the life of the City, in order to raise the word politics into the light of truth. |
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