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Schiller Institute-ICLC The Crash Began in Germany
Link To Conference Program and Webcast Audio-Video Transcripts: Panel 1: Keynote (below) Panel 2: Keynote II Panel 2a: Drama: West Coast Drama with Robert Beltran (Video) Panel 3: A War Plan for November Panel 4: Animating Dead Economics Panel 5: Tribute to Sylvia Olden Lee Panel 5a: Music (West Coast Panell) |
Here is the transcript for the second keynote of the ICLC/Schiller Institute annual Labor Day weekend conference on Sept. 4, featuring Helga Zepp-LaRouche. ED SPANNAUS: Okay, I'm Ed Spannaus. Or, for tonight's purposes [uses German pronunciation] Spannaus. As a son, or grandson, or actually great-grandson of Saxon immigrants to the U.S., it's my honor to chair this panel. The banner you see behind me, says The Crash That You've Been Hoping for Is Here. On Aug. 18, Lyndon LaRouche wrote a document, or memorandum, saying that The World Monetary System Is Cracked in Germany, Today. And that process began with actions taken by our speaker tonight, by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in a particular leaflet she put out in early July, around July 7, which announced the campaign in Saxony, and called for the resumption of Monday demonstrations, such as had brought down the old regime in East Germany, the D.D.R., in 1989. Within a couple of weeks, there were thousands of people demonstrating, and within four weeks, there were 50,000 people on the streets of many cities in Germany. And as of Monday, it is expected that there will be Monday demonstrations in 225 cities in Germany. Plus the process has also spread to Vienna in Austria, to Paris, and to Poland. [applause] And this process began with Helga. Now, the introduction (that's not actually an introduction), the introduction will be given by Amelia Boynton Robinson, who I believe is on the line. So, to introduce Helga, we have Amelia Boynton Robinson. AMELIA BOYNTON ROBINSON: Hello, Helga, and hello, my extended family: I bring you greetings from Hattie Mae Jackson who is one of ours living in Florida. I also bring you greetings from my associates who were also patients in the rehab in Montgomery, Alabama, where my dear friend Sheila Jones planted the Schiller Institute seed, the seed of love. This morning, I spoke of a two-part subject, dealing with slavery, and now I shall speak of freedom. This is a wonderful race, the human race, a race like no other creature God made. He has such wonderful plans for us. But, he said, Man will sin. But I will send the Comforter, to redeem him." Some of us take living, or believing that we're living, being allowed for just granted. But each human being is made for a specific purpose. No two people are alike, not even two trees, or even leaves. First, we must be proud of who we are. That is the first step toward freedom. Love thyself, then you can love others. It is easy to love others, when you love yourself. That is because of freedom. The body is just the house in which we live. The inner part is that which countsthe mind, the spirit, the soul. God was lonely when he made this world, with all the beautiful things in it. But he wanted somebody whom he could communicate with. He looked around and decided that he was going to make himself a man. He scooped the dirt from the Earth. He molded it as He wished. And then, He blew the breath in man, and man became a living soul. That is the part of God that is in us. That is the part of what we call conscience; we call it mind; we call it spiritbut that is the part of God. And I would like to, if I could, find out how we imagine God is. And I will say to you, that God is in us. But, God is only two things. God is a spirit, and he that worships Him, worships Him in spirit and in truth. Then, God is love. That is the part that is in us. That is the part that he said, Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven. That means, that we have to take personal pride in who we are, love ourselves, have self-esteem, be sure you love the truth, and live it. For that is freedom. I would like to tell you a story of a young man, who went to a café. And he asked the man at the café, may he use his phone and the man said, yes. Then, he called a store, and he said, I want to know, do you want a delivery man? The man said, No, I don't need one. I mean, sir, do you want a real, good delivery guy? No, I don't need one." "I mean one who will go, when you say go; come back when you want them to come back. And he will be a perfect delivery man! Wouldn't you like to have one like that?" The storekeeper said, Listen, I don't need another delivery man, because I have the best delivery man there is." He said, Yes, thank you. He put the phone down. The café guy said, Hi. Isn't your name Johnny? He said, Yes." "Don't you work for the store where you called?" "Yes." "Well, why did you call?" He said, Mister, I just want to let you know, that I'm checking up on myself!" That is something that each and every one of us will have to do: We'll have to check up on ourselves. One good way to do it, is, at the end of the day, if we know what our programs are, at the end of the day, sit at the mirror and look at yourself, and see what that guy has to say to you. Have you done the best that you could do? Do you realize that you can help the fallen? Do you know that you can make progress when you check up on yourself? The one way that you can do that, is to use the strongest cleanser in the world, for it believes in seeing that everything is clean. What is that? It is a challengea challenge to yourself. It believes in value. It is free to think: And that is faith. Faith in yourself. Faith in what you are doing. Do the best you can. Everybody is born free: Free of prejudice, free of hate, free of sin, and look what we do to these precious little beings when they come into the world. We strip them of the most precious gifts on Earth, and teach them hate, fear, jealousy, and they are exposed to the worst enemies of freedom. They are exposed to injustices. But, God has not given up on us yet. Just as He provided prophets in Biblical times, to prepare us, He has also provided us with two wonderful people. And I should say, just like Lyn, Helga, his wife, is a free thinker. She is free: That is why she can get out there and work with people, and bring them into the consciousness of knowing what is right and what is wrong. She is free: She loves justice. She fights crime. She does not discriminate. She is my daughter. To some, I introduce to you, and others I presentyes, my daughter. I have many daughters throughout the world, but she's my special: And that is, Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Thank you. [ovation] HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Thank you! Thank you! A taste of what the Monday demonstrations are like [video of four-part LYM chorus singing Beethoven's Ode to Joy, followed by thunderous applause]. So, with this taste from Saxony, actually these are all the same LYM people. It doesn't matter where they singthey sing beautifully everything. Well, I can only tell you, it is a joy to live in this period. Because, if Friedrich Schiller would be alive, he would clearly say, that we are right now, in a period where the destiny of mankind is at stake. And what Lyn has called an epic change, if this period will end as a tragedy, or will end as a complete, new epoch of reconstruction of the world economy, combined with a new Renaissance, these two possibilities are so closely together. And as Lyn was saying earlier, the next 59 days are what count. Now, many of you, or some of you know, that when Lyn founded the organization, especially after the famous Aug. 15, 1971, he defined at that point, the perspective, that the world would either go into a new depression, and new fascism, or eventually a new, just world economic order, an entente of sovereign republics based on a community of principles would be the result of this historical period. And Ias many of you, of the so-called oldies"joined this organization because of this perspective. Because we intellectually could see that Lyn was absolutely right. And now, about 30-35 years later, the depression is here. And the danger of fascism, I think, is also very clearly visible on the horizon. And if any of you watch TV in the last days, you got a sense that it's not very far away. Now, we are in the middle of a systemic collapse, and we areour organization internationally: the LaRouche movementwe are in the middle of this process which determines which of the two options will be the result. In the United States, it's very clear, it's Lyn's effort, and the effort of the organization and the LYM, to get Kerry to go with the FDR program and to get Bush-Cheney defeated. In Germany, we are also in a very, very fascinating process, which is the famous mass strike process, which now erupted again, and the Monday demonstrations which we actually triggered. Now, all of a sudden, you have these Monday demonstrations, and I'm going to remind you tonight, what was the process of the historical Monday demonstrations which brought down the D.D.R. more than 14 years ago. It actually all started, I can say proudly, with a leaflet I wrote and put out, on July 7. And as Ed was saying, you know in actually less than two months this process has completely exploded. It started with a handful of LaRouche Youth Movement people in Leipzig, who for three weeks were organizing Monday demonstrations. The first week, it was five people outside of ourselves; the next, 50; then, 120, and now you have in 225 cities, such demonstrations. And so far, more than 100,000 people participated. [applause] Now, what is the issue, or why did one leafletand you write, in your life as a political activist, you write many leaflets, but why do certain leaflets just hit the nerve, and others are just well-meaning addresses to the population? Well, it was triggered because there is an issue in Germany right now, which is completely explosive: It's called Hartz IV. Hartz is the name of the spin-doctor who designed this law. What it really refers to is a so-called labor market reform, which means that if you happen to have the misfortune to become unemployed, after one year, you will only receive the same amount of money as a welfare recipient. Now, in West Germany this is 345 euros; in East Germany, it is 331 euros. But, before you get any penny, you have to sell everything you posses. You sell your property, your life insurance, your private pension insurance, and even up to the savings of your children! You know, if your children have a little piggy bank, they put their savings money in it, the state will come and take that away, before you get any penny. So therefore, what Hartz IV really stands for, is a process of expropriation, simply and flat: If you have the misfortune to become unemployed, and that can happen to a professor, to an engineer, to a barber, you become poor first, before you get any money at all. And then, not enough with the expropriation, there follows a process of degradation, because then, the agent of the Labor Department comes into your house and inspects if you have hidden possessions you have not sold yet. And this just was the straw which broke the camel's back.So, when I put out this leaflet, In Saxony, the economy must grow, which you saw on this picket sign, In Sachsen muß die Wirtschaft wachsen, where on the one side, I said, This policy is criminal and unjustit must go; but we must have economic growth. And we can mobilize the spirit of the people in Saxony, because Saxony is one of the richest cultural places of Germany, where people like Bach, Leibniz, Lessing, List, and many others lived, and were born." So, basically, given the fact that in Germany, we have right now, 8.6 million unemployed, our demand was, Okay, let's get rid of the unemployment. Create 8 million new jobs. Have 200 billion investment per year, and then we can solve the problem." So, this leaflet was extremely well received. And we asked, and we made some calls, are other organizations planning to join the Monday demonstrations? And we were toldNo, they're all on vacation. We will do nothing before September. So we had a hey-day, organizing. The whole ferment was for us. But then, people came slowly back from vacation, and they said, Hey, wait a second. This BüSo is all over the place. We better join the bandwagon, or they will have the entire ferment for themselves. Now, you have to understand that this is hitting, in a situation where the international financial institutions, behind closed doorsand we have been told this by top bankers, and other government-related peoplethey completely agree: They say, LaRouche is absolutely right. The system is finished. Nothing in this universe will save it. They don't agree, naturally, with our solution, but they agree with the analysis. And let's make an agreement"which was imposed by the Bush-Cheney Administration"let's have a postponement of the collapse until after November, until Bush is re-elected. Let's not rock the boat before. Let's do everything possible, to postpone this collapse. And there is no problemyou know, we have all these governments nicely in control: Bush-Cheney, anyway, Schröder, Chirac, Berlusconi, we have them all in our pocket. "But, let's force them, so that this process functions, that they sneak in a policy, without giving it its proper name"namely, a Hoover/Brüning-type austerity. In Germany, it's called Hartz IV.' In Italy, it's called pension reform.' In France, similar programs. In Russia, it's called, cutting out the privileges for the veterans and the pensioners,' in an absolutely brutal way. And let's sneak it through, and call it reforms.' Let's not say what it is, namely, fascist austerity. Let's call it reforms.'" Now, there is an irony concerning the Hartz IV. Because Hartz IV is not the only problem we have in Germany. But, sometimes, in history, an issue somehow is the trigger. And, if you remember, in 1989, after 40 years of suppression in the communist system, all of a sudden, the demand for people to have the freedom to travel to the West, became the trigger point. Now, I told people in 1989-90, if you make the mistake to superimpose on the bankrupt communist economy, the equally bankrupt free-market economic system, in a few years, you will have an even greater collapse. And that is exactly where we are today. And the reason why this Hartz IV is so explosive, is because people somehow, even if they don't know all the details, they have a smell, they have a sense, that a system is collapsing. And that's why they react. So, today, the global financial system, is as bankrupt as the communist system of the D.D.R. was in October 89. Now, the beautiful thing is, and that's a little bit the Ibykus Principle that there is a higher justice working, the fact that this eruption started in East Germany, the former D.D.R., is no coincidence: Because people there experienced already one timenamely, a good 14 years agothat systems can collapse! Systems can vanish. In the West, people think they are married, that the system will stay forever, but it's not so. And that is completely different in East Germany. Now, let me give you a little bit of the history. Because, I realized recently, that many of our LaRouche Youth Movement people, they were 5 or 6 or 7 years old when the Wall came down. And when you talk about these things, they make big eyes, and they say What D.D.R.? What was that Wall? What was that? So, let me give you a very condensed history of the kinds of processes which led to this present situation. Now, I will start with a short review of the very infamous events of June 17, 1953, which was the first major upheaval in the D.D.R. And this, at that point, was triggered by a government demand, demanding an increase of the work quota of the construction workers. And, there were first protests against that, because it was regarded to be brutal. But, quickly, it led to a general demand for freedom. At that point, it was smashed through Russian tanks. (First video, please.) [German news report of 1953 events.] So, as you saw, it was smashed with the force of tanks. And, well, June 17, for the entire period since then, was a holiday in West Germany: It was called the Day of German Unity [Tag der deutschen Einheit]. But, the idea that the German state would ever become reunified, soon became an empty slogan. And, actually, until 89, a lot of people said, Aw, unification remains the goal, but it is actually the lie of the century." But, the suppression was held. In 1961, in a very short period of time, 2.5 million refugees went to the West. And they went via West Berlin, all rushing into West Germany, which created an untenable situation for the D.D.R. So, on Aug. 13, 1961, the authorities enclosed Berlin with barbed wire, and started to build the Wall. And actually, I wanted to show you this picture as a reminder of what happens to people who are thinking they can solve problems by building wallslike today at the Mexican border, or between Israel and Palestine. (Next video.) [German news about the Berlin Wall.] About 20 years later, Lyn, in 1983, predicted that if the Soviet Union would maintain their Ogarkov-based military policy, in five years, the Soviet Union would collapse. And Lyn was probably the only serious thinker who said that. There may have been one or two others. But nobody assumed that the Soviet system, which, after all, lasted 70 years, would vanish. Now, Lyn, in October 1988, made the famous speech in the Kempinski Hotel in Berlin, where he, given the fact that the economies of the Comecon were really disintegrated, predicted that soon there should be a German unification; but, it would only function, if Germany would take it as its mission to develop Poland with Western technologies, as a model, to transform the Comecon states. Now, this was a policy on the tableLyn had said it first: German unification must be the result of this process. Now, in July 89 (Lyn, at that point was already an innocent prisoner of the Old Bush, sitting in jail), the supply crisis in the D.D.R. sharpened. And for the first time, it was acknowledged, that bankruptcy of the D.D.R. was around the corner. Now, all of a sudden, in this moment, the bankruptcy was really what was going on. But, like with Hartz IV, all of a sudden, a seemingly not-so-important issue caught the attention of the people. For 40 years, people could not travel to the West. All of a sudden, the right to travel to the West became the crucial issue. (Take the next video, please.) [narrating the video] You have the barbed wire along the entire East-West border. Then, on May 2, 89, the barbed wire at the Hungarian border [with Austria] was cut, and the Iron Curtain was cut for the first time. People were running, trying to get either into the West, or to the embassies in Warsaw, Prague. Here people are climbing into the compounds of the embassies. You may remember these pictures from the TV. Soon, in Prague, 3,500 people were living in tents of the Red Crossthis was all in the compounds of the Red Cross in the embassy in Prague and other capitals. Here, the demonstrations start in the D.D.R., and all of a sudden, people who were terrified of the Stasi, the secret police, they started to lose their fear. Here you have the 40-year anniversary of the D.D.R. with a military parade (I will say something about that, in a second). This was on Oct. 8, 89, while, at the same time, up to a million people were gathering in East Berlin, We demand free elections. [video ends]. On Sept. 4, a demonstration in front of the famous Nikolai Church had banners, Freedom to Travel Instead of Mass Flight. At that point, the Stasi still ripped the literature out of the hands of the people. On Sept. 10, Hungary opened its border to Austria for good, and in three days, 15,000 people went to the West. On Sept. 30, [West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich] Genscher was able to get a permit for the people in Prague, 3,000 refugees from the embassy. And Oct. 7, the 40-year celebration of the D.D.R. occurred, with the military parade I just showed you. At that point, everything was on the edge: It could have gone violent. Honecker, who was still the head of the D.D.R., said, Socialism in its course, will not be stopped by ox or horse. Socialism will remain for another thousand years. But, Gorbachov already realized that Honecker had become a concrete head, somebody who doesn't want to change; that was the famous word, Betonkopf, somebody does not want to change when the situation requires it. And Gorbachov said, This guy must go. So on Oct. 8, the Stasi, the famous secret police, had a secret meeting saying they wanted to topple Honecker, two days later. And, they decided on military action against the demonstrators. But, Honecker got wind of the coup against him, and when there were 70,000 people together in Leipzig, the rumor was spreading that the Army and police had an order to shoot against the demonstrators. At that point, one of the key figures of this period, Reverend Führer from the Nikolai Church in Leipzig, who initiated the peace prayers, made an urgent appeal: no violence. And the famous conductor of the Gewandhaus Orchestra from Leipzig, Kurt Masur, used all of his influence, running back and forth to the different authorities, making an appeal for dialogue and non-violence. And, later, documents which were only published after the D.D.R. had collapsed, made clear that Erich Mielke, the head of the secret police, had given an order on Oct. 8, to all Stasi regional offices to prepare a massive strike against all potentially leading forces of the opposition, and to round up tens of thousands of people. Now, Honecker, because he got wind that he was supposed to be toppled, stopped the police and military action. But, on Oct. 19, he resigned in a ninth meeting of the Central Committee of the SED, on his own request. Then, on Nov. 4, 1 million people gathered in East Berlin, and there was one speaker, and he was Markus Wolf, the famous head of the secret police. And you have to imaginethe video you are going to see, it's like, as if the head of the FBI today, Mueller, or Tenet, or Ashcroft, would be forced through the power of demonstrations to speak to these crowds. And then you get a sense of what the power of the street really was. (Next video.) [narrating] See, this was 1 million people. That's Markus Wolf, [translating] I will not be quiet about the fact that I worked for 33 years for the Stasi (Boo! Boo!) The task of this Ministry was completely coherent with the government policy (Boo! Boo!) Now, the political leadership speaks of a change. And that means that the activity of the Secret Service has to be investigated. (Applause, applause.) Parliamentarian control must be implemented. [end video] So, this was now the beginning of November. And the process of demonstrations grew very quickly. It grew to Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, Prague, and Moscow. (Next video.) [narrating] Wir sind das Volk We are the people. We are the people. [translating narrator] The Monday demonstrations of Leipzig wrote history... Even in Prague people were demanding freedom.... More perestroika' in Moscow. [end video] Now, this process, as you know, culminated in the opening of the Wall on Nov. 9, which, againone of these elements of irony was actually a mistake: Because the government spokesman Guenther Schabowsky, made a press conference and announced new travel guidelines. And his formulations were such, that they were misunderstood that the border was openedwhich he did not say! But, people heard it, and then thousands of people streamed towards the Wall, with their little Trabisyou know, these famous little cars which you had to wait 20 years to get; and then they wouldn't have a wheel, and you would have to stay in line, for months, to get the wheel, and when you just got to the point where you would get it, the thing closedAnyway, so, people were rushing to the West. And you remember, maybe, some of these pictures from the TV of this time, people had tears of joy. People were dancing. People were climbing the Wall. And, it was an unbelievable moment. Documents which were later published by the German government in 1998, secret documents, which were published early, made clear that no plan existed, the German government had absolutely no contingency plan what to do. And, you know, this was a moment of history which was unbelievable. Because, sometimes, you have historical moments where it can go in every direction: On the one side, it was clear that Germany was still an occupied country, where every decision was being made by the Western powersand they did not want unification. Margaret Thatcher was totally determined to prevent unification, and she launched this vicious Fourth Reich campaign, that Germany was a Fourth Reich, which was absurd. You can say many nasty things about Kohl [then Chancellor], but not that he is anywhere Fourth Reich. The Old Bush, Sr., was totally against unification, but there were people like Eagleburger and Scowcroft in his Administration, who said that if the United States is now against the German unification, which was the propaganda line for the entire postwar period, the United States will lose all credibility in Europe and beyond, forever. So therefore, they said: Okay, let's change it; let's get Germany to cut itself down through self-containment. Which they did. Then, Mitterrandtotally hostilehe demanded, Germany must give up the D-mark [deutschemark currency], before we allow German unification. So, there was no script, except what Lyn had proposed in 88, in the famous Kempinski speech. And it was completely unclearwhat would the Soviet Union do? Would they repeat tanks, like 53? Or 56, like in Hungary, or 68 in Czechoslovakia? So, we were the only ones who had any idea what to do. I wrote a letter to Helmut Kohl, on Nov. 21, exactly saying: Let's go for unification, with the idea to develop Poland, develop the East with modern infrastructure. On Nov. 22, I wrote a leaflet, addressing the absolute elevation of the people, saying you have to use this, being touched in the heart and in the soul, to make a mission out of this: Develop the East; develop the infrastructure. So, one day later, Kohl had the first staff meeting to discuss plans for unification. And four days later, he wrote a letter to Mitterrand, saying the European Monetary Union would not be possible until 98, or else you would destroy the entire European economy. On Nov. 28, Kohl came out with his famous ten-point program, which was the first baby-step in the direction of sovereignty. But he still proposed a confederation, cooperation between two states. But, it was the first sovereign step, insofar as he did not consult with his coalition partner, the Liberal Party, nor the Western allies. Two days later, Herrhausen, the head of Deutsche Bank, was assassinated by the so-called third generation of the Red Army Faction, which by every knowledge never existed. And it was a clear geopolitical signal for Germany not to go in this direction. I wrote a leaflet, What 80 Million Germans Can Do as a Force for Good in the World, clearly going from the assumption of one country, but we were the only ones at that point doing this. Now, on Dec. 2-3, Bush, Sr. and Gorbachov met in Malta, in the Mediterranean, absolutely determined to prevent unification and keep their condominium. On Dec. 8 and 9, there was the famous European Union meeting in Strasbourg, where everybody came down on Kohl like a ton of bricks. He said later, in his interviews, that this was one of the darkest hours of his life. That he was met by a completely icy atmosphere, and was feeling like being put in front of a tribunal. Kissinger came out raving against the new German danger"; [then Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard] Shevardnadze denounced the ten-point program. So, it was a situation that was completely undetermined where it would go. Then, on Dec. 18, Kohl, then, for the first time went to Dresden (next video, please). [news report of Kohl addressing crowd in Dresden; she narrates/translates]: I greet all my fellow citizens. [uproarious cheer] Here in West Germany and in East Germany and you see the applause of the people, [chanting] Eines Vaterland, One Fatherland. I wish you, and for us all, a peaceful Christmas. God should embrace our Fatherland. [uproar, chanting] Helmut! Helmut! Helmut!" According to Kohl's own memoirs, this was the first time he got serious about unification. Because he could see that the power of the people was such that, it had to be. Now, this was an unbelievable moment, because you had all of these people in the street. And the year-end, between 89 and 90, was an absolutely incredible situation, where you can only say it was a star-struck moment for mankind. You know, star-struck when the Christ-child was born, there was a comet in the sky. Sternstunde in German, it's a very beautiful word: Sternstunde der Menschheit, a star-struck moment for mankind, where everything would have been possible. On Christmas, the Ninth Symphony, which you have heard here from the chorus before, was played twice. Once, by the already-mentioned Kurt Masur from the Gewandhaus Orchestra, and one conducted by Bernstein. Normally, people complain if you have two programs, one after the other, repetition in the TV. But not so! People said, This is the highest German culture. We want this, exactly. It would have been possible to make a complete change in history. For the first time in the 20th Century, it would have been possible to put the East-West relationship, in a war-torn century, World War I, World War II, this all could have been ended, and you could have made a peace-order very easily. So, at that moment, people, for a short period, were better people. People sometimes are elevated. And you can address them, and you can move their heart. And this is what you have to do in the next 59 days, because that is what you have to get across: You have to touch people's heart. This is not about numbers, figures, and so forth. But you have to get a historical sense of what is at stake, in the next 59 days, in the United States. So, at this point, we proposed the famous Productive Triangle (next slide, please), which actually was Lyn's brainchild, who discussed this with me and others on the telephone. And Lyn, who was sitting there in jail, without any map, without any books, immediately recognized that with the Wall no longer being there, you could unite the western industrial centers of Europe with the eastern ones, and we called this the Paris-Berlin-Vienna Productive Triangle. And it encircles a territory the size of Japan, which, up to the present day, has the highest concentration of industrial capacity. And we proposed at that point, to beef it up, increase the productivity, through high-technology, transport, build the maglev, build other vanguard technologies, to build so-called infrastructure corridors, from Berlin to Warsaw, to Ukraine, Kiev, to the Balkans, to basically have a kind of Marshall Plan for the East. Now, I wrote a letter to Helmut Kohl proposing this to him, and to combine it with a Classical Renaissance. Almost the same day, when we put out the first such brochure, the Stasi headquarters was stormed in East Berlin. So, it was not yet decided. And it took in a certain sense, a tremendous nerve to say, Okay, we are going into the East, with this program! Because it was not clear. So, the first invitation, which was a little bit later, came from the political prisoners organization, the same people who had been run down by tanks in 56they were the ones who recognized that Lyn was a political prisoner. And they invited me, as his wife, to present his case, and to make a speech about this Productive Triangle. And they were completely afraid! Because, they didn't know"Would the tanks come back? Because it was not decided.(Next picture, please) Now, this is in Budapest. On the left you have Tibor Kovats, a very courageous freedom fighter from 56, and he is and was one of the key organizers of the Schiller Institute in Hungary. (Next) Here is a meeting; this actually occurred in the context of the Oct. 23 national holiday of Hungary, which was a big celebration, because it was the first day in freedom. And, on the right you have [Vytautas] Landsbergis, who was the President of Lithuania at that time. (Next) This is the famous Jozef Miklosko, whom you all know, who was the vice premier of Czechoslovakia at that time, of the first non-communist government. So, we were bringing this perspective into the East. And we distributed hundreds of thousands of brochures. And, they were really there as an option. But, back to Feb. 19: Amelia went to Leipzig to these Monday demonstrations, and addressed 50,000 people. Now, this was a periodif Kohl would not have been Kohl; but if Kohl would have been, let's say, Lyn [laughter]or, well. That's a hard one to imagine. But, he could have done everything! If Kohl at that point would have taken the TV, made the address to the people of Eastern Europe, of Russia, of Eurasia, and would have said, I have a vision. I have a vision how I can transform our continent, with a peace-order of economic development. How I can have the family of the beautiful European and Eurasian countries unite. Here, you have the Poles, with their beautiful Renaissance; look at the buildings in Krakow; look at the Renaissance contribution of Ukraine; look at Lithuania; look at the Baltic countries, who all have tremendous, rich cultures! And he could have touched the souls, which would have been stronger than the Soviet tanks! But, it would have required a leader, a leader with a vision, somebody who has compassion for the people, and who would have had the courage to capture the historical moment. Now, remember, that in the same period, in the United States, you had the neo-cons sitting in the older Bush Administration, working on the New American Century doctrine. And while we were trying to make this historical moment a promise of mankind, these people had nothing better to do than to say, Oh, now the Soviet Union is no longer there. Now we can become a world empire. What an idiocy! If they would have just accepted the fact that freedom had just broken through, the United States could have been the leader of the free world, and everything would have been completely different. But, they had to make this same mistake, as the Greeks did, after the Persian army was defeated, they had to turn Classical Greece into an empire, and therefore starting their own process of demise. Now, obviously, we presented then, half a year later, on Aug. 21, an EIR study to Kohl and all of his ministers, which was a thick study on the Productive Triangle, with very concrete projects. And I wrote a letter to Kohl warning that the Anglo-Americans were preparing the Gulf War, as a geopolitical counterattack against the momentum of German unification. And that the only way, to not have the Gulf War was to publicly discuss it and denounce it. This was half a year before it happened! I mean, itÏÄs unbelievable. Okay. Then, on Oct. 3, the unification happened (next video please): This was the formal day of the unification. [narrating newscast] This is the Freedom Bell [which is tolling] in front of the Schöneberger City Hall. Tens of thousands in front of the Reichstag building. For the first time, the German flag. People were happy. You hardly can hear, because people are so happy. Fireworks. For the first time, the National Anthem. This was, for sure, a happy day, even if the chance really had been missed already, because the only way you could have captured the moment, was to do it in the moment of the high point of happiness. But, it was happy, anyway. And, as a proof that it was happynext video, please. [calliope playing to scene]. I just wanted to prove that I was there. [applause] But, to give you a sense, that this was really an absolutely elevated period, I want you to now listen to a segment from the Ninth Symphony, which was the performance of the official state act of the German unification, conducted by the same Kurt Masur from the Gewandhaus Orchestra (next video). Well, this was a high point. But, unfortunately, our programs were not accepted, so the process took its course. In 91, the Soviet Union collapsed. And what became known as the reforms, was really a criminal takeover of the former Soviet Union economy. A group of young economists was groomed by the Mont Pelerin Society and the London Institute for Economic Affairs. The day of the actual end of the Soviet Union can be called Aug. 21, 91, when a standoff between the Soviet State Emergency Committee and leaders of a coup attempt, and then-Moscow Mayor Boris Yeltsin came to a head, and Yeltsin actually won. Which was the end of the Soviet Union. The same day, a certain Konstantin Kagalovsky met in London with Prime Minister John Major. And this Kagalovsky became a key figure in the scheme to label the criminal takeover of the Soviet economy, reform. Kagalovsky became Russia's first director of the IMF, in 92. And with Yegor Gaidar and Anatoli Chubais, the reforms were implemented. Now, this was all based on the Mont Pelerin doctrine: the advocacy of unrecorded transactions which are tax-free, unregulated activities which earn higher incomes than would otherwise be the case, informal economy (another word for black market and stealing), privatization, selling of the filet pieces, close down the unprofitable capacities, in disregard for the social consequences. In 91 the CIA made a study, that the Soviet Union had more raw materials and better skilled force than the United States, and therefore it should not be discouraged that Russia should be developed. Now, the collapse of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union had, completely, a geopolitical dimension, based on the New American Century doctrine; and became known as globalization. Really, it's just another word for the Anglo-American empire. (Next slide) When the Soviet Union collapsed, we put the next proposal on the table, which was the extension of the Productive Triangle, which you see in the west into the entirety of Eurasia. It was the idea togiven the fact that the Iron Curtain, the Iron Wall, was no longer existentyou could go back essentially to the policies of Count Witte, of the end of the 19th Century of connecting the Trans-Siberian Railroad, the Old Silk Road, so-called development corridors and have a perspective of transforming the entire Eurasian continent with a perspective of 25 to 50 years, into one economically connected area. Again, we made many, many conferences, hundreds of conferences, about this, in China, India, many other places. Now, the criminal takeover of Russia, actually, was prepared, and I, in preparing these remarks, I think, we should really look again. Because, there is a dimension to this which really needs to be studied more from the standpoint of present knowledge. This criminal takeover of Russia was actually prepared over a decade earlier. In 1983, the Center for Research into Communist Economies was organized in London out of the Institute of Economic Affairs, the IEA, which is the main, Mont Pelerin, think tank in Great Britain. They went into Eastern Europe, into Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, since the middle of the 80s, and picked up people whom they would groom. Like in Hungary, they picked up Anatoli Chubais and Yegor Gaidar. In Poland, Balcerowicz; in Czechoslovakia, Vaclav Klaus, and they would conduct seminars in Hungary, Vienna, and the United States. Lord Harris, who was the head of the IEA, published a book, The End of Governmentthey hate the state, you know. They would like to eliminate the state foreverand co-founded the International Center for Research into Economic Transformation in 1990; again, to cooperate with the Institute for Economies in Transition, whose first head became Yegor Gaidar and Vladimir Mao. Most of the staff of this institute, by the end of 91, went into the first government, the first Prime Minister of Russia, Yegor Gaidar, who was chosen by Yeltsin. Anatoli Chubais became the privatization czar. And, Konstantin Kagalovsky, the first director of the International Center for Research into Economic Transformation became the first director of the IMF in Russia. Lord Harris spoke in an interview in 1997, Well, we know chaps over there who know about von Hayek, the founder of the Mont Pelerin, and they have read von Hayek and Milton Friedman. Now, what they were pursuing was the elimination of the role of the state, grabbing raw materials, pushing privatization. All of these became, later, the oligarchs, people who had become billionaires in a matter of months and a few years, by simply stealing from the Russian economy. They reduced industrial capacity of Russia down to 30% in only a couple of years. What happened in the new states of East Germany was the result of these larger, strategic developments. And, that has to be kept in mind when you are talking about the Monday demonstrations today. In the realm of what I just said, in East Germany, a former industrialist, Detlev Rohwedder, became the first chairman of the Treuhand, which was the institution supposed to dismantle the Communist economies. Since Germany had not gone with the Productive Triangle, the job of the Treuhand was to privatize the formally communist state sector and, at a certain point, Rohwedder realized what catastrophic social consequences it had when you would just close down the previously communist state economy. And, then, he said, Therefore, let's first sanitize these old industrial capacities, which were not competitive from a world market standpoint, but they were perfectly good industrial capacities. Which is what Lyn had tried to say: Let's use it to develop the infrastructure of the East and then close it down after it has been used up. Rohwedder said, Let's sanitize first, and then privatize, but consider the social consequences of what we do. Well, in April 91, Rohwedder, like Herrhausen, was killed by the non-existent, third-generation, RAF [Red Army Faction]. His successor became Birgit Breuel, a banker's daughter from Hamburg, who implemented absolutely brutal measures, a total eradication of industry, wiping the slate clean, wholesale redevelopment, cutting down, shutting down everything, dismantling the industry, so that the young people all went away to the West. Therefore, in Saxony, and other East German states, you have today towns where the average age is 60 years. Now, you can imagine how much future a town has where that is the case. Many schools are closing, for a change not because they have no money, but because they have no children. Then, to add insult to the injury, when these structures from the West were imposed on the East, bureaucracies, legal and business systems, banks and so forth, the people were not taken from the East, but, from the West got so-called bush bonuses. I mean, a bonus when you go to the jungle, because of hardship. Can you imagine? It is like saying, you go to the jungle and, bush bonus. Up to five thousand euros. So, the arrogance was felt as a complete insult. So, after 14 years of this, most people do not want the D.D.R. back. That's not what's going on. But, they say that what is now is worse than what they had with the D.D.R., despite all of this that I showed you before. You have to understand that. People really think that now it is worse! Because, in the D.D.R., they say, at least the social relations were heart-felt and loving. With the free-market economy, what we have gotten is social Darwinism, egoism, elbow policies, and, you have now 1.5 million people less than in 89, out of a population of 16 million. That's quite a lot. In Dresden, in Leipzig, many factories are empty, without windows. It's like Detroit, downtown Detroit. You have, in Dresden, in Leipzig, many factories are empty, houses are empty, and there is no chance. For one offer of a job, in the East, there are 32 unemployed. The unemployment, officially, in the West, is 8.4%, in the East, is 18.5%. In reality, it is double. So, you actually have 40% unemployment in the East. Therefore, if you have the unhappiness to become unemployed, you are pushed into poverty. So, when Hartz IV was proposed, this was really the straw which broke the camel's back. The rage exploded, not only because of Hartz IV, but because of 14 years of having had the feeling of having been treated like a second-class citizen. The rage went against globalization. Therefore, when we intervened and said, not Brüning, but Franklin D. Roosevelt, and a New Deal, 8 million new jobs, well, the people who reacted were the have-nots. The people who Amelia is always talking about. The people who have nothing to lose, they are the ones who now respond. So, obviously, 8 million jobs does require the role of the state. It does require a Franklin D. Roosevelt/New Deal approach. Now, the big issue is, can the state create jobs or not? The Mont Pelerin Society just had their yearly meeting in Utah, in Salt Lake City, and the whole subject of the conference was, No State, No State. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, in their cultural section, had a comment on the fact, that it was the BüSo who kicked off these demonstrations, saying it's only an electoral ploy. And then they had another editorial on the front page, saying, The key thing is, we have to educate the people: The state can not create jobs; people have to learn that. And, obviously, the opposite is true! Because, first of all, it's a lie. Franklin D. Roosevelt did create jobs, the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau in the postwar period, de Gaulle in France, MITI in Japan. The reality is, the neo-liberals, the neo-cons, and the globalization people, what they are pushing, is genocide! And, this must be said: genocide! When Pope John Paul II, in 1990, came out with a statement saying that the fact that the communist system had collapsed would not mean that the unbridled, free-market economy was superior, he said, at the time, look at the condition of the Third World and you will see it. Look at Africa, look at Latin America, and now, look at Russia. The primitive accumulation which occurred against Russia, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, is unbelievable, and potentially of the dimension of Africa. And, that's not an exaggeration. The Russian Academy of Science, their Institute of Labor and Medicine, put out a report which was sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Social Development in which they said that the Russian workforce is shrinking twice as fast as the total population. In the last 12 years, since the reforms, the country's population has fallen by 5 million, but the working population, by more than 12 million. Ten million workers are supposed to die from 2006 through 2015, and the population is supposed to drop by one-half by the year 2060. The report says, soon Russia will not have enough soldiers and workers because of work-related illnesses, injuries, and deaths. The Russian workers will simply go below the point where they can maintain the economy. These illnesses, all, cost the Russian economy, in 1999, 65 billion. The mortality of the workers is double the rate in other countries. Unless there are radical changes in the medical and demographic situation, there will be a serious deficit in the labor resources. The life expectancy of Russian men has gone down by ten years, and is now only 59 years. Because of the birth and death rate, the social disintegration, the high ratio of HIV infection, TB, and so forth, is all together leading to this result. It is no question that the policies of the Mont Pelerin Society and the IMF can only be characterized as genocide, exactly what Glazyev said in his famous book a couple of years ago. President Putin has announced the goal of doubling the economy of Russia by the year 2012. Now, I can only say, if he wants to succeed, he has to kick out the neo-liberal economic advisors. Otherwise, he will have a policy of one step forward, and two steps backward. (audience quiet. Helga begins laughing) Nobody understands this. This was a famous communist thing. Yeah, only the oldies understand this. Well, due to globalization, the poor are getting poorer, and, there is now a new law which proposes, or implements, draconian monetization of privileges, which already was approved by the Duma. This means, basically, that privileges and benefits for veterans and pensioners will be eliminated. This means, that with the tiny pensions that these veterans and pensioners have, if you use the subway ten times, you are finished with the month. That's what it basically means. The situation of the children gets worse. In Russia and Ukraine there is already 1% HIV infection. This was what it was in South Africa one decade ago. And, in South Africa, it is now 20%. You can imagine how long this country has to live, if this is not reversed. There are 700,000 homeless children, which is about the same number as it was at the end of World War II. The total number of children has gone down from 92, when you had 44 million children, by 14 million. That means, today, 30% less children than 12 years ago. Pravda.ru wrote, in July, that only 10% of the childbearing women in Russia are truly healthy. Well, that speaks for itself. Maybe, if you think the situation in Russia is very extreme, I can only tell you, that the paradigm of the international financial institutions, the way how they want to answer to the systemic crisis worldwide, is going to lead to a similar result. It's happening everywhere, in Italy, France. H-IV, Hartz IV, is only the beginning. Alan Greenspan recently came out and said that these cuts have to be increased. We promised too much to the retirees, to the pensioners. In the United States, Europe, Japan, the population is aging, and we have to have more cuts. Other reports are, now that we have cut the poor, we now have to go after the income of the Baby Boomers and the living standard of the middle class, because there is something we still can grab. And, that is in the drawers, don't kid yourselves! It's not going to be limited to the unemployed. They want to reduce the living standard, with every trick in the book. Anne Krueger, the deputy director of the IMF, said, Well, the poor countries will be hit even worse. They are aging too. And, India and Brazil have to implement very draconian means against this. Now this is not compassionate conservatism. I would call this genocide, point blank. This is why the Monday demonstrations are essential. This is what Lyn is doing in the United States, to get the Kerry campaign on an FDR track, and this is why we have to get Europe to abandon the Maastricht, the Stability Pact, which, as I mentioned, was imposed by the neo-cons on Europe in 1990. And, why we have to turn Europe around to go with the New Deal, the Franklin D. Roosevelt-Lautenbach-Woytinsky, because these were plans like FDR in the 30s in Germany. And, I should tell you that even if the picture I am painting to you is grim, I'm very optimistic that we can make it work, simply because we are on the ground, we are there, and we have a policy, how to solve this. And, it's already catching on. In Germany, we have right now, 8.6 million unemployed. This was a figure just reported by the Halle Econometric Institute, saying that the official unemployment number must be doubled, because, they have statistical tricks. They don't count people, anymore, above 58. They just don't count them. They don't count people who are in re-education programs, to learn another skill. They don't count people who never had a job. They don't count the people who have given up, who say it is hopeless, I'll never get a job. So, it's 2.5 million more unemployed than in 1933! That's not little. Fortunately, the Institute for Labor Market Research just put out new figures, to help to feed our Monday demonstrations, by saying that the unemployment in Germany costs the government 83 billion directly, money to be paid to the unemployed, not taken as income in social insurance and such categories. But, that the fact that there are 8.6 million people unemployed means that there is also 230 billion lost, per year, in what is not produced. Because, if these people would be working, they would produce something, and that is a loss to the real economy. So, when the BüSo says, let's have 8 million new, productive jobs and a 200-billion annual investment, then, well, first of all, you eliminate the 83 billion cost for the unemployed and you would produce an additional product of 500 billion, in terms of real capital value. What are the figures by the labor agency? From the official 4.36 unemployed, one-third is longer than one year unemployed. Half a million is under 25 years of age. Of the 38 million who have a job, only 26 million have a social insurance, which means that 12 million have no pension, health or unemployment insurance, and, against that, you only have 300,000 open jobs. In the West, for one job, you have 11 unemployed, but in the East, for one job you have 32 unemployed. So, you can make efforts to get a job until you are blue in the face and not get it. When we say 200-billion investment per year, that is actually going to be the winning argument. If you now come to physical economy, you start with the need to have capital improvement. The problem with the German economy, and also the East German economy, is that the throughput is below breakeven, which means that we produce less than what is needed to maintain the economy and the living standard of the population, which includes, obviously, education, health, pensions, and so forth. So, we have to bring the economy on a level where we produce more than we are consuming. And, for this we need state credit. We can not pay off the work with the current year's income, because we want to get the incomes of the population growing. Therefore we need 5-, 10-, 15-year investments. There has to be something physically useful existing in 15 to 20 years. So, we start with a list of what is needed in terms of capital improvements, leading to a greater productivity of the economy. That is completely different than Hartz IV, which says that everybody needs to take every job, no matter what your previous skill was, and you have to work for one euro, eh, which is obviously a complete destruction of productivity. These hand-to-mouth jobs do not create wealth. They create debt. We have to have long-term investment, long-term employment, long-term improvement, for example, in education, research and development, and long-term thinking. In Germany alone, we have a backlog of 1 trillion of not-invested infrastructure; 1 billion investment in the construction sector makes 25,000 jobs. We start with a state credit for infrastructure as a kick-off. Then that will result in secondary private investment. If you have 100 billion investment, per year, by the state, in infrastructure, that means the creation of 2.5 million jobs. Already, that is 47 billion less cost, in terms of unemployment money. The private sector, the manufacturing sector, is only using 85% of its capacity. If you kick-start the economy, and have public orders, you can deploy 1 million more people without additional investment, by just using the additional capacity. The main emphasis has to be on, the mobilization for productive, full employment, must be in the industrial sector. Therefore, of the 8 million, a minimum of 5 million new jobs must be created in the industrial sector. Of the rest, 3 million will be in transport, trade, and the service economy. In manufacturing, the workplace is the most expensive. It costs 120,000 euros to create one workplace. Therefore, we need 600 billion new investments in this, to create 5 million additional jobs. Of that, 400 billion will be for equipment and 200 billion for buildings. If you want to have productive, full employment, the German industry needs an increase of capital of 1 trillion euros, and the state must put another 1 trillion in the infrastructure backlog. If the state puts in, per year, 200 billion in clearly defined projects, and the secondary stimulation of the private economy, then, in a very short period of time, if we apply the principles of physical economy, always measuring the famous LA [larouche, a unit of growth], as Pobisk Kuznetsov was saying, the relative, potential, population density as a criteria of which investment is a good one and which is not, then the German economy could be flourishing in a few years. Maybe in two years you haven't any problem anymore, five years you are in excellent shape, and in 10 years you are really in a completely new miracle, a new German, economic miracle. All of this can be done on a national, sovereign, basis. But, this will not happen probably, but you have to think national-sovereign. But, it will be European, because in Italy and France the situation is the same, and therefore, the Productive Triangle, Paris-Berlin-Vienna, will be put back on the table, and actually, the Eurasian Land-Bridge. If Russia wants to double its economy, as Putin was saying, the only way is the Eurasian Land-Bridge. Go back to Count Witte. Build the Trans-Siberian railroad like in the end of the 19th Century. Build infrastructure corridors with a 50-year perspective. (next slide) What we are really talking about is a global reconstruction of the world economy, where the Eurasian Land-Bridge is simply called the Eurasian Land-Bridge, because that is where the momentum is. But, obviously, as you can see, through the Bering Strait, it goes all the way down to North America, Central America, South America, and it goes all the way through Gibraltar, Sicily, Libya, and Egypt, all the way into Africa. So, what we are really talking about is a global reconstruction program of the world economy. A New Deal for the whole world. (applause) This is what the BüSo and the LYM mobilization, and the Monday demonstration is all about. And, this is why we have put on the first leaflet, This time the change will come from Saxony. In other words, in German, Diesmal kommt die Wende von Saxonia, which is what they renamed the Peaceful Revolution to come from Saxony. We do not want to topple Schröder, because the opposition is much worse. Merkel is horrible, you probably met her or saw her, she is terrible. But, we want to change the policy of the government. Now, what is causing a social-democratic government to implement a policy which is so much against its own philosophy? Social Democracy, they were supposed to defend the living standard. Now, they are doing all of this. This is obviously destroying the character of the party. These policies, Hartz IV, can not be pushed by their own members, because they can not. It comes from Berlin, and people are booed when they go out in the field and try to; in Saxony, the fate of the Social Democracy could be so bad that they could drop below one digit level in the election result. That will probably happen. The biggest challenge, therefore, is how to influence the Social Democracy. The problem there is that they were the most affected by the neo-Malthusian, ecological paradigm shift, which is the reason for the present crisis altogether. As Lyn has stated many times, the biggest conflict, right now, in the world is not between right and left, but between the Classical humanist tradition of European culture and the different forms of materialism. While there were clearly humanists in the SPD, for example, Carlo Schmid was an excellent humanist, expert in the Classics, generally Classical culture is not the strong point of the Social Democracy. Therefore, they were more susceptible to the cultural aspect of the paradigm shift, the rock-drug-sex counterculture. The operations of the Congress of Cultural Freedom, the key cultural warfare operation of the neo-con faction after the second World War. The Frankfurt School, which was the mentor of many of the Baby Boomers in the German government today. Lyn has stressed many times: If people do not go back to a Classical way of thinking, to a Classical method of composition in music, in poetry and in their own life, there is no way we will get out of this crisis. This is exactly why, what the BüSo and the LYM are doing in Saxony and the Monday demonstrations, is so absolutely crucial. We are going with a program of a combination of 8 million new jobs and a cultural renaissance. And, this will work. I know it. The crisis will get worse, and the instrument of the Monday demonstration is there. And, even if it would go back in terms of numbers one week, let the next crisis come and the stream of people will be in the street out in force. People have experience that going to the street helps. You know, this process, from the D.D.R. to the unification, this is an experience ingrained in the people. This is very important for you to understand. So, to give you just a poll, which the Leipzig Institute for Market Research just published, 84% of all people in Saxony are in favor of the Monday demonstration. From the CDU, the Christian Democrats, 75% of the people support the Monday demonstration. If you ask the people, what is your priority?, 98% say, we want more jobs; 98% say, we need more middle and small firms; 97% say, we need more chances for the youth. So, what is the message? Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs! No austerity! I will show you some of our demonstrations and organizing. As you already know, the singing plays an absolutely crucial role. These spots, I show you now, are already a couple of weeks old. In the meantime, this process has spread and the BüSo, in the last three weeks, has addressed up to ten demonstrations in all of East Germany. This is increasing in numbers now, on the coming Monday. (next video) Now, you should know that the song, Die Gedanken sind frei, Thoughts are free. [singing, chanting, more singing and speaking] These songs are, very much, in the hearts of the population. For example, the first one you heard, Die Gedanken sind frei, was a resistance fight song. It's the same as the Ode to Joy, like the O, Freedom, here. Thoughts are free. Nobody can guess them. No hunter can shoot them. They are flying away like nightly shadows. This was sung, in the D.D.R. as a resistance song. This was sung in all dark periods in Germany. The Ode to Joy is just the highest expression of what Germany thinks is its culture. So, we are not going to stop. Even so, I want to show you, now, the election spot we have for Saxony. (next video, please) [translating narration] The population must put pressure on the government to change. We don't want to topple Schröder, we want to change him. In Saxony, the economy must grow. It is a song we use. Our candidate from Leipzig. Germany will pay never its debt. We need more jobs, then the tax income will increase. Then the state has more money and we can afford all of our social costs. The opposition leader, Merkel, is even more brutal in her austerity. We have to force Schröder to change policy and to invest, so that we all have a future as Germany. (applause) So, what will the future be? Will, out of the process of the global depression, once again, come fascism? Will Greenspan and Krueger, Mont Pelerin and the neo-cons, prevail? I don't think so. You, the members of the LaRouche Movement internationally, and especially in the United States, you have the historic challenge to turn the situation around. Lyn will talk about that again tomorrow. I try to give you a sense of what we are up to in Germany and in Europe. The good thing is that the people in East Germany have a sense of what it means if a system is coming down. Systems can go. You can make new ones. We can take the power to the streets, and if you can change a system once, you can do it again. So, what will the new system be? Will it be a Jacobin mob? There are some people who want to march on Berlin on Oct. 3, the Day of Unification. Will it destabilize the European governments? Well, we will use the power of singing and we have to touch the beauty of the soul to make people better people. We will give Germany back her soul. Germany was once known to be the people of poets and thinkers. The Congress for Cultural Freedom has made a gigantic operation to cut Germany from its cultural roots. The Frankfurt School, Adorno, and others. Forty-year paradigm shift. The Brandt Reforms, which fortunately affected only the West and fortunately not so much, the East. But, the good thing is that the Classical culture is still there. The Bach tradition in East Germany is very strong. Jesu, meine Freude is the most favorite song of many, many people, we discovered. It touches the souls of the people. Leibniz, Lessing, Moses Mendelssohn, Haydn. Just imagine that the beautiful German anthem is a composition by Haydn. It was originally The Emperor Quartet. Then a poem by Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben, in 1841, was put to it. And, in 1922, the first President of the Weimar Republic, Friedrich Ebert, made the Deutschlandlied the national anthem, and in 1953, it was made the anthem of West Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany, proclaimed by President Theodor Heuss. Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Schiller, von Humboldt, Goethe, Heine, Nikolaus von Cues, Abraham Kaestner, Gauss, Riemann, Kepler. The German Classical culture, we did it once, and, we will do it again. (applause) Schiller wrote in the fragment of the poem German Greatness that the character of a nation does not lie in its changing political destinies and experiences, but, in its soul, in its unique personality, in what she contributes to the development of universal human history. So, all we have to do today is awaken up our Classical treasures and make them alive in ourselves. Think like Nikolaus of Cusa, Lessing, Schiller, Beethoven. Make them alive in us, and their immortality will empower us. So, we make the beautiful Classical culture of Germany alive, and the most beautiful thing is that we are doing that with the help of young people from France, Denmark, from Sweden, and from Africa. Therefore, I am actually extremely optimistic. Schiller wrote, in the Ode to Joy the following words, which you all know. Joy, beautiful spark of divinity, daughter of Elysium, daughter of the Heavens. We will spark off that power of creativity of Agape. And, we will make sure that in the coming period all men will become brethren. This kiss will be for the whole world. This is what mankind has produced, Schiller and Beethoven. And, I am absolutely certain that Schiller and Beethoven are much more powerful than the Beastmen. (applause) So, what will be the future? Well, I want to give you, as a metaphor, and as my vision and our vision for what the future must be, I want you to listen to the last video. [chorus singing] (applause, ovation) ED SPANNAUS: Thank you, Helga, for that wonderful and inspiring presentation. We now will take questions from the West Coast, until they have to break, and then we'll have an hour here. |
What is the Schiller Institute? Lyndon and Helga LaRouche Dialogues, 2004 Eurasian Landbridge and Economy Writings of Other Great Thinkers
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