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Schiller's Poetry
The Division of
The Division of the World To all mankind. Take, that which yours should be. As heritage eterne to you I grant it Divide it ye, yet brotherly! Then did all hands to preparations scurry, Both young and old industrious became. The farmer seizd the produce from the country, The Junker through the woods stalkd game. The merchant in his stores had riches hoarded, The abbot chose the noble vintage wine, The king had all the roads and bridges boarded And claimd: the tithe of all is mine. Quite late, just as division was accomplishd The poet neard, he came from far away Ah! nothing more remaind to be distinguishd A lord oer everything had sway! Ah! Woe is me! for why should I then solely Forgotten be, I, thy most faithful son? Thus did he make his accusation loudly And threw himself fore Joves high throne. If thou to dwell in dreamland have decided, Replied the god, then quarrel not with me. Where wert thou then, when I the world divided? I was, the poet said, by thee. Mine eyes did hang on thy expression, Upon they heavens harmony my ear Forgive the spirit, which, by thy reflection Enrapt, did lose the earthly sphere. What can be done? said Zeus, for all is given; The crops, the hunt, the marts are no more free. Wouldst thou abide with me within my heaven Wheneer thou comst, twill open be to thee.
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