Press Release
EIR Presents “On Eurofascism,” by Russian Academician and Presidential Advisor Sergei Glazyev
June 2014
![]() Economist and Presidential Advisor Sergei Glazyev (left) with President Vladimir Putin, are shown here at the “Ukrainian Choice” conference in Kiev, Summer 2013. |
June 26, 2014 (EIRNS)--The June 27 issue of the weekly Executive Intelligence Review features “On Eurofascism,” a guest commentary from Academician Sergei Glazyev, advisor to President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The article by economist Glazyev, who was closely involved in Russian diplomatic and economic cooperation efforts with Ukraine in recent years, provides a unique window onto Russian strategic thinking about recent months' events in and around that country, viewed in terms of both the interests of Ukraine's population and Russia's own national security concerns.
“We should not mince words,” Glazyev says, and he himself does not. He writes, “Current events in Ukraine are guided by the evil spirit of fascism and Nazism, though it seemed to have dissipated long ago, after World War II. Seventy years after the war, the genie has escaped form the bottle once again, posing a threat not merely in the form of the insignia and rhetoric of Hitler's henchmen, but also through an obsessive Drang nach Osten [drive toward the East] policy. The bottle has been uncorked, this time, by the Americans. Just as 76 years ago at Munich, when the British and the French gave Hitler their blessing for his eastward march, so in Kiev today, Washington, London, and Brussels are inciting [Right Sector leader] Yarosh, [Svoboda Party head] Tyahnybok, and other Ukrainian Nazis to war with Russia. One is forced to ask, why do this in the 21st Century? And why is Europe, now united in the European Union, taking part in kindling a new war, as if suffering a total lapse of historical memory?”
The term “Eurofascism” is no mere rhetorical flourish. “I insist on this definition,” writes Glazyev, “which is historically and conceptually accurate.”
Academician Glazyev dissects the Association Agreement (AA) between Ukraine and the European Union, the last-minute rejection of which by President Victor Yanukovych in November 2013 triggered the coup process that ousted him three months later. From the standpoint of law and of economic interests, Glazyev argues, the AA -- which post-coup President Petro Poroshenko intends to sign on June 27 -- will end Ukraine's sovereignty and subject it to “Euro-occupation.” This process may have “so far ... occurred without an invasion by foreign armies,” says Glazyev, but “its coercive nature is beyond any doubt.”
He says that violence during the coup, including “criminal attacks against law enforcement personnel, and government building seizures, accompanied by murders and beatings of a large number of people,” were able to happen because of support from the USA and Europe. “Just as the fascists [in 1941] stripped the population of occupied Ukraine of all civil rights,” he adds, “the modern junta and its American and European backers treat the opponents of Euro-integration as criminals, groundlessly accusing them of separatism and terrorism, imprisoning them, or even deploying Nazi guerrillas to shoot them.”
Glazyev describes how the drive in recent years to induce Ukraine and other Central European countries to enter into Association Agreements with the EU was packaged as “the European choice.” He writes, “This mythical `European choice' was artificially counterposed to the Eurasian integration process, with Western politicians and the media falsely depicting the latter as an attempt to restore the USSR.”
The author analyzes the spread of what he calls “Russophobia” by Western governments and media, as being a tool to prevent Eurasian economic cooperation. Drawing on history and his own background as a Russian born in Ukraine, Glazyev insists that the current “Ukrainian Nazism” is an artificial construct, and that “Ukrainian exclusionary nationalism and fascism, cultivated from abroad, has always been aimed at Moscow.”
Glazyev sees the Ukraine crisis as “a real war, organized by the United States and its NATO allies,” elaborating: “It is a war we didn't notice for a long time, but it was prepared gradually.... It is not even a war for Ukraine, but a war against us: against Russia.” At the same time, he says that the problem “is not America, not the American people, but the organizers of a string of wars, beginning with Iraq, then Yugoslavia, then Libya, the rest of North Africa, Syria, and on to Ukraine.” The group responsible, he writes, is “a handful of deranged radical extremists, the so-called Neocons, who ... are real misanthropes and Satanists, prepared even to drop the atomic bomb!”
The article “On Eurofascism” was released by Academician Glazyev to a wide range of international media earlier this month. A shorter version had appeared in online publications in the USA, Canada, and India. The EIR version of this article has been substantially expanded, with the author's permission, using parts of his recent interviews in the Russian media to provide more in-depth discussion of Ukraine's economy, its history, and the author's view of the United States.
Read Sergei Glazyev' s commentary at