Community Town Meeting
Stop the Cover-Up: Release the 28 Pages
of 9/11 Congressional Report Now!
Saturday, October 11, 2014, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
New York, N.Y.
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"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."
Ever since September 11, 2001, New Yorkers have wanted to know: when will the United States government finally tell the truth about the role of Saudi Arabia in the events of 9/11? The New Yorker magazine of September 30, 2014, in an article entitled "The 28 Pages," calls attention to what Schiller Institute founder Helga LaRouche, former United States Senator Bob Graham, and the family members of those killed in the World Trade Center, have demanded for years: the release of the 28 pages that were removed, without need, from the Joint Congressional Inquiry of 9/11, chaired by former Sen. Graham. "There's nothing in it about national security," contends Congressman Walter Jones from North Carolina, who has read the missing pages, and is the primary sponsor of bi-partisan legislation H. Res. 428 calling for the 28 pages to be declassified. "It's about the Bush Administration and its relationship with the Saudis," says The New Yorker.
So why would the Obama Administration, which promised members of the 9/11 families in 2009 that it would release these 28 pages, not have done so? Days ago, on October 3, Vice President Joseph Biden, at a speech given at Harvard University, asserted that various American allies, including Saudi Arabia, were responsible for the buildup of both Isis, and Al Qaeda. "Our allies in the region were our largest problem in Syria," Biden was quoted as saying.
It is known beyond a shadow of dispute that Prince Bandar bin Sultan, former Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States, financed at least two of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, through an account at Riggs bank. "Between April 1998 and May 2002, some $51-73,000 in checks and cashier's checks were provided by the Saudi Ambassador to the United States and his wife to two families in southern California, who in turn bankrolled at least two of the 9/11 hijackers," reported Executive Intelligence Review's Jeff Steinberg in June of 2007. Why has Prince Bandar never been questioned, and why are the Saudis now receiving money--money which they clearly don't need, from the United States--to train non-existent "moderate" forces to fight "anti-Syrian" ISIS/ISIL forces, largely built by and through their own very efforts?
Has the United States' population, along with its leadership, gone mad, just prior to its own self-destruction in a series of financial, economic, bio-medical and military catastrophes? Are we on the verge of a madness-triggered World War III as a result?
There is something else.
As you are reading this, the world, on the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I, is once again threatened with self- extinction. Yet, there is real reason for hope. In the 1.2 billion person nation of India, its new Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has declared that the greatest wealth that his nation possesses is its 750 million people under the age of 35. In the 1.4 billion person nation of China, its leadership has adopted a great program of internal improvements, and the building of a "New Silk Road" of economic and cultural exchange with all the nations of Europe, Asia, and Africa. In the nation of Argentina, Christina Kirchner has declared her nation's independence from the homicidal vulture funds and "cannibal financial culture" of the failed trans-Atlantic monetary system. The nation of Bolivia has declared its intent to develop nuclear power, to become, in the words of Russia President Vladimir Putin, "a Promethean nation"; Bolivia's vice-president Alvaro Garcia Linera has said that “Nuclear energy is the fire of the XX and XXI centuries. It is the fire which our ancestors had 20,000 years ago, which allowed them to make philosophy, technical science, culture, agriculture." Several of these nations are basing their future on aggressive space programs to establish powerful new economies, using thermonuclear fusion power to replace fossil fuels, even including mining helium-3 for use on earth.
Where is the United States in all this? The United States is "AWOL". The United States will continue to self-destruct, until the truth of 9/11 is revealed, starting with the release of the Joint Congressional Committee's suppressed 28 pages. The Obama Administration could even be the last Presidency of the United States, unless the American citizenry, meaning you, intervene to save the nation from the "tissue of lies" that has engulfed it.
Jeff Steinberg, Senior Intelligence Editor for Executive Intelligence Review, founded by physical economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche, will detail how every American citizen can help ensure that the 28 pages are released, and that the true perpetrators of 9/11 are brought to justice.