More MAPS of Great
Infrastructure Development Projects
Around the World
To Maps, Page 1
Worlwide Rail Network
Bering Straits Bridge-Tunnel
Railways- 1990 and Projected
Other Projects (Main Page with text)
Detail Map of Projects
Oasis Plan ( main page)
Three Gorges Dam (text)
China and Far East - National Railways and Bohai Strait Project
Tumen Development Region
Central Asia Projects
South Asia and Kra Canal
South West Asia
Rhine -Main -Danube Canal
Bosnia Rail Proposal
Have you looked at the unemployment figures recently?
Imagine a project in the USA, in cooperation with governments and industrial firms around the world, to create billions of new, productive, good paying jobs.
Imagine the grandchildren of those in their 20's today, being able to have breakfast on a mag-lev train starting at the tip of South America, to enjoy lunch in the US, and dinner over the Bering Straits? A choice of the Northern, Central, or Southern Routes through Eurasia will enable the traveller to reach the tip of Africa, going south on either coast of that continent, and arrive at the tip of Southern Africa-- all by LAND ROUTES!!
Main lines of a worldwide rail network,
as sketched by H.A. Cooper
As sovereign nations cooperate in this great project, the traveller will be riding through Infrastructure Development Corridors. As developed by economist and statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, these corridors, of about 50 km on each side of the main trunk line, are areas in which new cities, and centers of culture, education and industry will be developing and flourishing.
This is no "pie in the sky." The technology has existed for a quarter century. America developed and tested the Mag-Lev back at the Colorado test track in the 1970's, and then dumped it-- because of "budgetary considerations!!" Germany has just delivered, in August 2001, the supplies for China to begin its construction of this transportation system.
What is needed is the political leadership to implement this. Implementing this kind of policy may be the only alternative to World War III, and the "Clash of Civilizations" now being pushed by the likes of Samuel Huntingdon, Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Brezinski. Many nations are coming to recognize that the only basis for Peace among soverign states, is through this kind of economic development and cooperation.
Projected Rail Network (Main Lines)
Detail Map-- African Railways: in 1990
Peace Through Economic Development
Middle East Projects- Detail Map:
Nuclear Powered Desalination Plants
New Canals
New Railways
Southwest Asia Rail Routes and Nuclear Energy Projects
Infrastructure Development in Europe
along the Landbridge Route
Construction of this proposed Bosnia-Hercegovina Railroad Network is important for reconstruction of the Balkans region.
Rhine -Main -Danube Canal
Existing and Proposed Rail, Energy, and Water Management Projects
Rail Lines
National Railways and Bohai Strait