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Dialogue of Cultures


Chronological Listing of Additions to the site
August 2001 through May 2002
(see note)

 * Instituto Schiller *

What's  New This Month


August, 2001
September 2001
October, 2001
November, 2001

December, 2001


January, 2002
February, 2002
March, 2002
April, 2002
May, 2002

June, 2002

July, 2002
August, 2002
September, 2002
October, 2002
November, 2002
December, 2002



Week of December 31, 2001
LaRouche at Kuznetsov Forum, Questions and Answers, 12/14/01, Moscow, Russia
Cyberporn and the Internet- New Roman Empire? Article 11/6/00
Press Release: Wall Street-IMF Flunkies Freak Out In Poland -12/28/01

Week of December 23, 2001
LaRouche address to Central Mathematical Economics Institute (CEMI in Moscow, 12/15/01)
Helga Zepp-LaRouche - A new Approach to the Dialogue of Civilizations, Moscow, 12/15/01
Speech about Pobisk
Kuznetsov: "Modern Day Leonardo", 12/14/01
Article on Lyndon LaRouche's
Four-day Visit to Moscow, Week of Dec. 10
LaRouche's Speech to Forum in Memory of Russian Scientist Pobisk Kuznetsov, 12/14/01
Central Asia's Role in the Land-Bridge", Ramtanu Maitra, New Delhi EIR Desk -4/5/01
Seminar at the India International Center, on Dec. 3, 2001 in New Delhi
Questions and Answers at the India International Center, on Dec. 3,2001 in New Delhi
Bach, Mozart, and the 'Musical Midwife' Article by Michelle Rasmussen 8/6/01
Harry Potter As 'Pokémon II' by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. 12-09-01
LaRouche Advises US on Argentina Crisis-- Scrap IMF Policy ! (12-11-01)

Week of December 16, 2001
The Lessons of Friedrich Schiller's Wallenstein Trilogy for Today
Lyric Song and the Birth of the Korean Nation  from FIDELIO Magazine, 1996
Comparison of Songs at c=256Hz in 7 Languages (pdf format)
Interview with Lee Soo-in Korean Master Composer, from FIDELIO Magazine, 1997
Article on The Legacy of Rabin Versus the Insanity of Sharon, 12-20-01
Two Releases on Mideast Crisis: LaRouche on Sharon's Fascism; and Stop Excuses for ME War
Article on LaRouche November 20-24, 2001 Visit to Rome, Italy
LaRouche Address to November 21, 2001 Seminar in Rome, Italy
IMF Pushes Phony-Baloney Schemes to Try and Stop LaRouche's New Bretton Woods
US-Canada Infrastructure Projects

Week of December 9, 2001
LaRouche to Vernadsky Conference, -"Spirit of Russian Science" Nov. 27, 2001
Schiller/Vernadsky State Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences Conference
Russia Page Added, with Partial List of Articles
LaRouches Visit India, November 30 — December 6, 2001
La Scala Theater in in Milan Ends Verdi Year with Otello in the Verdi Tuning! 12-7-01
"Viva Verdi!" concert organized by the Schiller Institute in the Guanajuato, Mexico- 11-27-01

Week of December 2, 2001
Helga Zepp LaRouche: French Revelations Prove LaRouche Was Right About 9-11 Coup
Press Release: LaRouche on Irregular Warfare, Terrorism and "Dope Inc."
Listing of, and Links to, LaRouche's Personal Interventions Since September 11, 2001
LaRouche's Speech and Dialogue in Mainz, Germany, November 17, 2001
"Russian Entrepreneur" Magazine Interview with Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Dialogue of Cultures- John Paul II on Matteo Ricci and China


Week of November 26, 2001
Restore The Hill Burton Act ---Establish Real Medical Care, Shut Down HMOS
Printable Version of "Call for A Dialogue of Cultures"
Dialogue of Cultures -Excerpts of Speech by Egyptian President Hosni Mubar
Los Angeles, Ca. Conference on Dialogue of Cultures

Week of November 18, 2001
Lyndon LaRouche Speech to Guatemalan Economists, November 13, 2001
Lyndon LaRouche Dialogue with Guatemalan Economists, 11-13-01
Verdi's "Simon Boccanegra"
EIR Seminar Report- November 5, 2001, Germany
Sovereign Nations Must Put the System Into Bankruptcy- LaRouche Speech in Berlin
Dialogue with Sylvia Olden Lee (1998) Reprinted from FIDELIO Magazine
The Genius of Guiseppe Verdi, Dramatist and Statesman
Congresswoman Apologizes, and Admits LaRouche Was Right! (11-14-01)
St. Thomas More--
M. Mirak-Weissbach to Oberwesel Conference, August, 2001
"Riemann And Counter-Terrorism," by Lyndon LaRouche
LaRouche's 1985 Plan For Nations To Fight A Multi-National Enemy

Week of November 11, 2001
LaRouche Dialogue in Rome- "Toward a Dialogue of Civilizations" (Oct. 2001)

Week of November 4, 2001
Dialogue With Lyndon LaRouche, 9/2/01 Schiller Institute Q an d A Conference Panel.
"Damned Ole Opry"- Country and Western Music To Dumb You Down (1996 Conference)
Presentation by Macedonian Nestor Oginar to the 9/2/01 Schiller Conference.


Week of October 28, 2001
Fidelio Article on Mozart's Ave Verum (1996 article)
Birthday Celebrations for Friedrich Schiller - An American Tradition (1996 article)
Helga Zepp LaRouche - On the Importance of the Treaty of Westphalia for Today - (5/5/99)
Report on Current National Public Health Emergency ( DC General Hospital Page)
LaRouche Urges Declaration of National Medical Emergency in the Wake of Anthrax Attacks

Week of October 21, 2001
LaRouche Addresses Brazil Conference: "The Future of Brazil's Agriculture"
LaRouche Jubilee Quartet formed in Philadelphia
Helga Zepp LaRouche: Invitación a participar un 'diálogo de las culturas' (Spanish version)

Week of October 14, 2001
Helga Zepp LaRouche Calls For An International "Dialogue of Cultures"
Translation of Nicolaus of Cusa's "De Pace Fidei" ("On the Peace of Faith")
Transcript of Lyndon LaRouche on Stockwell Show, Oct. 9, 2001
LaRouche Urges Immediate Reconstitution of DC General Hospital
Former Head of DC Gen. Surgery Demands Measures Be Taken for Nat'l Health Preparedness

"On Epic and Dramatic Poetry" by Schiller and Goethe
The Life and Character of Socrates, by Moses Mendelssohn
Los Angeles Music and Poetry Worshop Added to October Calendar

Week of October 7, 2001
Translation of Schiller's "On the Sublime"
LaRouche Interview on Stockwell show, October 9, 2001, K-TALK, Salt Lake City  (AUDIO)
AUDIO of Peru Videoconference in English -- (Also available in SPANISH )
LaRouche on Venezuela Radio, October 8, 2001
Los Angeles Classical Music Concert Added to Calendar
Videoconference Transcript--LaRouche to Peruvian Society of Economic Engineers

Classical Drama- Way to Master Fate- Conf. Speech by Harley Schlanger Speech (Panel 5) 9/0/01
The SOPHIST by Plato- Original Translation by L. Vaughan....with Introduction

Week of September 30, 2001

LaRouche on Mexico TV- October 2, 2001
Speeches from August 18- 19, 2001 Schiller Institute Summer Academy:
Lyndon LaRouche- Rally the Citizens Behind a Mission For All Mankind
Gabriele Liebig -"Ape Science': A Multi-Pronged Darwinian Attack Against Man
Jonathan Tennenbaum - Toward A True Science of Life
Torbjorn Jelerup - The Case of Peter Singer - Don't Play by the Rules
Discussion wiht LaRouche on the Start of Life
Helga Zepp LaRouche - "Schiller's Idea of the Sublime."
Poems by Friedrich Schiller -- Naenia, Words of Faith, Longing, Words of Delusion,
Maiden From Afar, others
DC Hospital- Death Toll from Hospital Closing is Now at 40

Week of September 23, 2001
Labor Day Conference- Panel 4 - Open Discussion- (Partial Transcript)
A Brief History of Musical Tuning (FIDELIO, Vol I, no 1) - 1991)
Cusa and the Council of Florence (FIDELIO, Vol I, No. 2- 1992)
Interview with LaRouche in Dominican Republic - Sept. 25, 2001
Read Summer 2001 issue of Fidelio-- "Dialogue of Cultures- the Road to Peace"
LaRouche Interviewed on Italy's Radio Radicale Sept. 20, 2001

Week of September 16, 2001
New Link-- EIR Website in Arabic language
Spanish page updated with press releases and interviews 9/15/01
Audio and Transcript of a Conversation with Lyndon LaRouche , 9/18/01
Lyndon LaRouche Addresses Philippine Radio Audience
Houston Music and Poetry Workshop, Sept. 23, added to September Calendar
Schiller Institute Conference Program with links to Audio/Video and Texts (updated)
Russian Intelligence Figure Analyzes Further Threats to United States 9/14/01
Press Release "Shoot The Neighbor's Cat!" by LaRouche, on Media Brainwashing - 9/15/01
Chiapas Mexico Radio Interviews LaRouche on Tuesday's attack - 9/14/01

Week of September 9, 2001
Tribute to Amelia Boynton Robinson- Conference Speech by Marianna Wertz (Panel II)- 9/1/01
"It Only Smells like the Island of Dr. Moreau"- Conference Speech by Stanley Ezrol (Panel 5) 9/02/01
Transcript of  LaRouche Radio Interview in New Hampshire, 9/12/01
Arabic Language LaRouche Press Release on September 11, 2001 Events
URGENT  PRESS RELEASE and LaRouche Radio Transcript on 9/11/01 Events
Schiller Institute in Nigeria for Conscience International Conference, 8/13/01

Week of September 2, 2001
Lyndon LaRouche Keynote Speech, Schiller Institute Conference- (Panel I) Transcript
Helga LaRouche Keynote Speech - Schiller Institute Conference -(Panel III) Transcript
Schiller Institute Conference Program with links to Audio/Video and Texts
Updated maps page (text on magnetic levitaiton trains)
1988 Schiller Institute Conference Report -Appendix in NAWAPA program
1988 Schiller Institute conference Report - Appendix on Development of Africa

Since AUGUST 2001

August 19, 2001
Jonathan Tennenbaum Address to the Russian Duma, June 29, 2001
Dr. Sergei Glazyev Address to the Russian Duma, June 29, 2001

LaRouche on Mozart's 1782-1786 Revolution in Music (FIDELIO Magazine 1992)

LaRouche: On A Basket Of Hard Commoditites: Trade Without Currency- 7-16-00 
Houston, Texas Upcoming Concert - Calendar Item
LaRouche Addresses Accountants and Financial Experts in Mexico 8-2-01
Russia's Relation To Universal History- November, 1996 Article
LaRouche On the SUBJECT of METPHOR (1992 FIDELIO Article)
Schiller Institute Releases Book in Dominican Republic
New page on Heinrich Heine

August 12, 2001
Tatyana Koryagina address to  June 29, 2001 Duma Hearings
China's TVA-- The Three Gorges Dam Project
LaRouche at Lebedev Institute, 6-29-01
President Bush Must Change His Mind Quickly-Statement by Lyndon LaRouche
Above also in Spanish and Arabic languages-
The Lincoln Revolution by Anton Chaitkin (1998 FIDELIO Article)
Questions and Answer Dialogue from July 24 Video Conference
Mozart and The American Revolutionary Upsurge (1992 FIDELIO Article)
DC Hospital Page (updated)
Mailied -translation and article
Revolution in Musical Tuning (updated)
Chart of Human Vocal Registers- printable version
Florentine Bel Canto
Vernadsky Strategy

August 5, 2001
Increases in Morbidity and Mortality Rate -Because of D.C. General closing
Call for Call for LaRouche Medical Task Force
KKKatie Graham's 25-Year War Against LaRouche
Schiller Institute conference
Translations of works by:
--Johannes Kepler
--Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
--Moses Mendelssohn
--Nicholas of Cusa
--Alexander Pushkin
--Solon of Athens
--Friedrich Schiller
The Tragedy in US Education - "Shrunken Heads"
New Eurasian Landbridge Maps and text
Balkans Article-June 1999
Macedonia article (6/22/01)
Schiller Delegation in China
FIDELIO article-- Helga Zepp LaRouche on Motivfuhrung in Poetry
Norma" Performed at Verdi Tuning in Parma (3/7/01)
Lecture-Concert Challenges " Music Mafia"
Children's Choruses Attend European Festival


Reminder-- There are MANY pages and articles, on various topics on this site that went online since November 2000 which do not appear here. Please visit the SITE MAP and SEARCH to help you navigate through our site. This listing is the chronological order of when the articles come online on the Schiller Institute website.

Thank you for supporting the Schiller Institute.
Your membership and contributions enable us to publish FIDELIO Magazine, and to sponsor concerts, conferences, and other activities which represent critical interventions into the policy making and cultural life of the nation and the world.

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Dialogue of Cultures

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