Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.I Know the Road to VictoryThe following are substantial excerpts from LaRouches opening speech to a business meeting of the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (BüSo) near Wiesbaden, Germany on Dec. 16, 2006.
Now, first of all, the reality in the U.S. today, the political situation, the general situation, is far contrary to anything that Ive heard from Germany, or from other places in Europe. Ive just heard from Germany, mostly. And everyone who thinks they know about whats going to happen in the future and thinks they know whats going on in the United States, doesnt know what theyre talking about. We have made, ourselves, this movement has made a change in the course of history. We have not secured a road to victory, but weve discovered where it lies. And we discovered the means of transportation to get there. It started directly about 1999, as some of you recall: that because I was not able to get to the United States to participate in the [Presidential election] campaign, I did two broadcasts from here in Germany, and one was on the subject of Storm Over Asia, which I think some of you may recall; some of you saw, some of you participated in making. And if you look back at Storm Over Asia, you see exactly where weve gone. This was the point, at which I was getting out from under restraint; that is, even though Id been out of prison actually since January of 1994, I had not been allowed to direct this organization, or any part of it. Because I was not allowed to talk to key people, and therefore, I could not direct it. So, suddenly, at the end of 1999, I began to be allowed to find out what had been going on in the organization in a period of ten years. A lot of changes had been made, many for the worse, mostly for the worse. Bad policies. So, we moved to do two things: First of all, to have a war-plan for dealing with the future, and this war-plan developed essentially over 1999, beginning with Storm Over Asia, as the first formulation; we did another meeting with people by video hook-up from here, again during that period. But during that period into the end of 2000, when I was free to manage things and was finding out what had gone wrong, and who had done what to whom, while I was ten years out of control, we made new policies. We set a new direction. One of the things I did, was to start a Youth Movement. This was done on the basis of contact with campus youth who were attracted to my Presidential campaign. And this resulted, particularly, on the West Coast, in the development of the beginning of a youth movement. It was a sorting-out process at first, more than anything else. But, we moved. Then, we faced the results which were almost inevitable: that with the Gore-Lieberman ticket, you were going to have a disaster, one way or the other. Gore-Lieberman could have been possibly just as bad as Bush and Cheney have been. There really wasnt that much difference. But, we began to move. Now, right after the election of the year 2000, we moved; we moved in a matter of days. And in January of 2001, several days before Bush was actually inaugurated, I set forth what the perspective would be for the coming, immediate period, since a new phase of depression had broken out, in the year 2000, the end of the so-called boom at that time, the Y2K boom. So at that point, I said: This has already happened. Bush is totally incompetent. His administration is incompetent. As a result of this, were going to have an economic disaster, under Bushwhich we have had, internationally as a matter of fact. Things are much worse in Germany, you may have noticed it, than they were at that time. And since they are incompetent, what we must expect, is something to happen, soon, like what Hermann Göring did in Germany, in February of 1933, in organizing setting fire to the Reichstag, in order to make Hitler a dictator. In September of that year, Sept. 11, 2001, someone did what Hermann Göring did: They launched what became known as 9/11. Which was an act of terror organized by interests inside the Western system! Remember, Osama bin Laden had been a person who had been put under Jimmy Goldsmith and George H.W. Bush, during the period of the Afghanistan War. Osama bin Laden is a member of a famous Saudi oil family; its very close to the Bush family. And Osama became a leader in the Afghansi operation. That was the beginning of al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda translated as The Map, which is the program for terrorism by al-Qaeda, under Anglo-American direction in the tradition of al-Afghani in that region. So, this agency was used as a cover for a sophisticated operation, which became known as 9/11. And Bush came very close to becoming an absolute dictator, on the evening of that day. The effort was made to push through adopted policies, which didnt go all the way, the way it was planned, under which Bush would have become an absolute dictatorlike Hitler. Just as Hitler was after the Reichstagsbrand. So, it didnt quite go all the way. But as we know, it went pretty far. So, again, we were right. Why I Am Considered a Danger
But anyway, at that point, I was considered a danger, particularly after Reagan made that address. So, within a few weeks, actually, after the Presidents address, the operation to get rid of me was put into motion. It was set into motion, signalled by John Train: John Train, the banker, who was one of the leaders of the organization that was run in Europe under The Paris Review, of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, a fascist cult which destroyed the culture of much of Europe. So, I was a danger. Im still a danger, as far as theyre concerned. They wanted to kill me several times, and they said, Dont kill him, youll make a martyr of him, and that would be bad. They said, He would be more dangerous as a martyr than he will be alive. So, let him be alive, and hope he does something foolish and discredits himself. Try to discredit him. It didnt work. Now, were back, not with all the trappings we had in the 1980s, but actually, in terms of historical position, were in a much stronger position to shape the history of this planet, than we have ever been before; and we were very close to shaping the history of the planet back in the beginning of the 1980s, which is why theyre trying to get rid of us. Go for Mass Organizing!The form now, is different. Remember, this is ten years: I was out of action, out of command, out of leadership for ten years, between prison and after prison. So, one of the first things I did, was to recognize that we had destroyed our outreach.... My concern was to get that back....
And it took some effort, because we didnt have much enthusiasm for this. Because people were ingrained, over ten years of acquired habits of not doing mass organizing, of being afraid of it! Of trying to rely on hiding behind a telephone someplace, being a voice from afar, but not getting out there with the people. But young people who have more energy, and other qualities, theyre looking at the future, not at the past. Older people tend to look at the past, especially Baby Boomers, because its the no-future generation. It was trained to be a no-future generation, by the people who created the Congress for Cultural Freedom. So, if you dont believe in the future, and you get older, what happens? You become mean-spirited, crabby. Nyah! Nyah! You know, you hate children, you hate young peopleGet em out! Get em away! Leave me in peace, dont bother me! Youre stepping on my garden! Your dogs crap on my sidewalk. Things like that. Whereas younger people dont have much of a past, and they hope they have a future. In former times, people, when they had families, and grew older, particularly as grandparents, would look forward to their grandchildren as being the future. Healthy people always are like that: They like young people. Not because young people dont have bad breath, or things like that, but because they represent the future. And young people, having nothing else to do, except the future, because the past is childishness, are now going into the real world, and are thinking about 50 or 60 years of life ahead of them: What kind of a world are they going to live in? Stupid people are concerned about what they get. Intelligent people are concerned about what other people get. If you want a futureyoure going to die, so therefore, what can you work for that is solid, that is safe? Other peoples future! The future of the next generation, and generations to come. The future of the nation. Your identity is located in the future of the nation, the future of society, the future of civilization. And thats the point. Education of the Youth Movement
So, what weve done, is, we started with the Jesu, meine Freude: I suggested this to John Sigerson as the appropriate choral work, around which to build a musical capability with the youth group. Now the objective was ultimately to get to my old friend, Furtwänglers goal, of performing between the notes as he called it, or things like that. Which is the same thing as the Pythagorean comma. The Pythagorean comma is not an arithmetic magnitude; it is not a number. It an ontological quality, of between the notes. And you find out, if you watch, if you do some of the work that theyve done with the Jesu, meine Freude, you find that, if you eliminate one voice, or put it back in, you have a different sense of the comma, a different sense of dissonance, or quasi-dissonance, than with a different number of voices, voices sungthat is, species-voices. So: the comma. Now, what happened is, we had just recently, an interesting youth hook-up with me from Leesburg, out to California, to the West Coast. And the question came up on the nature of science and musical programs; and what came up out of the West Coast was not right, and I said so. And the youth there, who had been in this particular part of the music program, spontaneously laughed. Because, how do you know what a physical principle is? A physical principle is not a mathematical magnitude, and most education today is incompetent, because it equates physical principles with mathematical magnitudes. This is only the case of people who have never studied Kepler, or at least, never understood him. Because, there are two aspects to knowing a universal principle. One thing, maybe youre able to demonstrate that it exists, as a phenomenon. But the other thing, is to know it. That is, to know it as an experienced, impassioned idea. Now, when youre doing work in physical science, as this group in Leesburg had been working heavily on Kepler. They were working on Kepler from the beginning to its completion: Working through each of the books, step by step, re-experiencing everything Kepler experienced, because its the best scientific training available anywhere: Take Kepler as he wrote; as he wrote his experience. Re-live each step of the experience, as he describes it, in progress. Now, instead of knowing about Kepler, you actually have re-experienced what he experienced in making these discoveries. And you go through the agonies, the doubts, and everything involved, as people did. Now, if, at the same time, youre doing rehearsals, as they were doing with John, on the basis of the comma, in a cultivated performance of the Jesu, meine Freude, in particular, in this case, you get another type of refinement. And once the people who are singing, realize what theyre doing, and realize that it is right, this sense of rightness, becomes passion. And its association of the idea of physical reality, of physical principle, with passion. So that, only by unifying the Classical musical sense, from a Pythagorean standpoint, or like a Furtwängler standpoint, together with the act of discovery of a physical scientific principlethen you know what youre talking about. If you havent done that, you dont know what youre talking about. And most people, in science today, dont know what theyre talking about. Theyre talking about something, but they dont know what it is. They havent experienced it. They dont know it. They know about it; they know its reputation; they may respect its reputation. Its true. Oh! Thats true! But they dont believe it. Theyre not in love with it! Theres a difference. Okay. Now, so: That characteristic, as the Youth Movement gets that, and they get it more quickly, particularly with the concentration on the choral singing voice, and then going through the steps, as you have to go through, to perfect this, to make the thing stand out clearly as voices, not as a series of notes, not as different voices, but as a process, a process of development with continuity. You get a better power to organize, because you have more self-confidence, because you know what youre talking about. See, most people in society dont know what theyre talking about. They will express passion in defense of what they assert to be true ... but they dont know what theyre talking about. They dont actually know it. They say, I believe that. They dont know what they believe. What theyre worried about, is what theyre seen appearing to believe, not what they believe. So, now, if you take young people, who are still optimistic and future-oriented, you develop in them, through their own work, a sense of their own mission, and put them out in a challenging environment, where they have to adapt, and they do adapt, they can adapt. So what happened, essentially, was this development: We created a Youth Movement, in varying degrees, and varying qualities. We had a West Coast development which was leading at one point, but it was stagnating, for various reasons, environmental as well as others. But also the point was, the music work had not been developed sufficiently. Therefore, what we had started on the East Coast, I insisted that this Jesu, meine Freude pivot be used, in order to make the bridge, so that there was not this division between so-called art and science. As long as art and science are divided, are treated as two separate departments, you dont know either. Its only when you can bring the two together in the same mind, where the passion for truth of physical principle, and the passion of truth in musical performance, polyphony, are clear, then you are a united person. You have an identity, you have authority.... The Boston development was particularly crucial, because when I formed the youth organization as a Boston region, I knew that Bill Ferguson up there could handle the region, and he did a good job. He has done a good job. Hes an imaginative, creative person, and a qualified person. But the youth that were sent to Boston, were a selection of people who had the quality of functioning as the core of a professional chorus, or becoming a professional chorus. We needed a chorus, as a model for building the choruses around the organization as a whole. So the Boston region became special in a sense: It became the base in which we developed choral work at the highest level. We get John Sigerson, actually, whos indispensable in this; he has an excellent ear, an excellent knowledge of this stuff, and good judgment, and works hard at it. So therefore, he was key in organizing the voice-training sessions, which we would have as clinical sessions. The 2006 Election: A Political ShiftWith that kind of background, we went into this election campaign. Not just the year 2004-2005 campaigns, but into this year, and what was coming up with the midterm election, Nov. 7. Now, if you read the transcript of what I saidand some of you heard it, in Berlin, on the 3rd of November, where I gave a description of a principle of mass effect in political organizingwhat I described there, in that report to the youth in Berlin, is exactly what was going on in the United States, which resulted in a landslide victory for the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives. And but for Howard Dean, the chairman of the Democratic Party campaign committee, but for Dean, wed have had ten more votes in the House of Representatives than we got. So, over that opposition, we won. Now, what happened was, is that probably, the Republicans would have won the Senate completely, and they probably would have also maintained a majority in the House of Representatives. What we did was crucial in this process: We are the ones who created the landslide in the House of Representatives. Now, all the facts, afterward, the polls and so forth, and studies afterward, show exactly how this occurred: As you may recall, we were dealing with this John Train problem. In the process of examining the John Train operations, at Boston University we ran into an attack on us, there. This attack was vicious and suggested various things. So, we checked on it. We found out what the organization was that was behind what happened at Boston University. A meeting of this organization, ACTA [American Council of Trustees and Alumni], was being held at the Harvard University campus. So our members up there, the youth, went in like college mice, sat in on the sessions, listened, took notes, got copies of everything, and then we investigated all the material we collected. On that basis, we ran an operation on key campuses and similar locations throughout the United States, in targetted areas. We exposed this thing. Now, what you had, was a virtual fascist dictatorship being run byguess who? At the head of it? Cheney! Lynne Cheney! The Vice Presidents wifewho is a worse bastard than he is! She keeps him chained up at night, you know, along with the dogs. But, she has been, since the 1980s, a key part of this neo-conservative fascist movement in the United States. And she was the head of this organization which targetted professors to be expelled from the university; that anyone who talked like them should also be expelled, and students on campus should not be allowed to discuss politics. So, you had a strange aura on these campuses where the students were afraid. They would smile [gives a fixed grin], Umm-mm. Umm-hmm, but they wouldnt talk! Professors were terrified. When we broke the thing open, the professors began to say, Ahhh! Now, we can talk! Students, who it had been predicted would not turn out for the elections at all, the midterm electionsturned out. Because they had been oppressed, they were angry, they had a sense of being liberated by what our work was doing. So therefore, if you take the areas in which we were deployed, you see the surge. And they spread, through links, throughout the country. So that, in the last few weeks, before the midterm election, there was a sudden surge by a 10% increase in the level of youth participation in total national campaign. It was that youth participation in the campaign, which won the election. That is, maybe the Democrats might have eked out a narrow victory in the House. They would not have won the Senate. The Republicans would have maintained the Senate. Victory in TexasThen, we had this more recent one, as an off-schedule election, because of a jam-up in the former district of DeLay, in Texas, outside of San Antonio, next to a German-speaking area, called Bexar County. Its a place where Germans settled in the 19th Century, and they brought camels and other things down in there to try to use some of the desert area, and that didnt work out too well, but they stayed there. I know the county fairly well.
So here, we had a fine old time, despite the fact that Dean, the head of the Democratic Party, was doing everything to try to get us blocked out of there. So, then what happened: We were ahead. We know that we were ahead already, because there was a period where people could vote early, cast their ballots and put them in a bag, so to speak, and they would stay there, and be counted on Election Day. So the early vote count, showed that already, Rodriguez was going to win! To the point that Bonilla conceded, even before the full vote was counted. A margin of 10% of the total vote cast was for Rodriguez, coming from behind. Now, the initial part of that victory, the narrow margin of victory, was given by our operation. But then, Bill Clinton, who is no idiot, following what we did, read my report on the New Politics [EIR, Dec. 8, 2006], decided that I was right about the election, and therefore, went down to the same college where we were concentrating our campaign for Rodriguez, and he turned out a tremendous turnoutfor him! And therefore, what happened is, what we had created as a marginal victory, now became a landslide victory, because of Clintons intervention. During this same period, youve had a period where Dean, who has tried to follow the old fascist, the old racist from South Carolina, Don Fowler, the former leader of the Democratic Partyan old enemy of oursDean, and similar people have been going at the Clintons, theyve been going at Bob Rubin, and theyve been after me, and James Carville, who is famous in the United States. So, we were the targets. Now, what is at stake, therefore, in this particular election in Texas, was Deans credibility: And Dean lost his credibility. So, now you have an upheaval inside the Democratic Party. Its even more complicated than that: Dont assume that Cheney and Bush are in any respect in a solid position in the United States, at all. Not. Theyre not merely criticized; Theyre probably going to be dumped. I wont talk about something that I know, but the game, essentially, is, to get Cheney out, and neutralize the Bush problem. If he goes out, if he resigns before the completion of his term, to have it occur more quietly. But, to get Cheney out. What you saw in the Baker-Hamilton commission, was a signal of that: that the mood in the United States is increasingly, Get the bums out! Political UpheavalSo, the idea that theres a stagnant position in the United States, as is talked about in Germanyis absolutely untrue. There is no stagnant position. What there is, is the fact that for 14 years, the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives has been essentially isolated from any function, by a Republican marjority, for 14 years. Now, suddenly theyre coming back into position: The key committees, like the Ways and Means Committee and others, are going to go to work. But theres not a sense of confident authority, that you would have had, say, 14 years ago. So therefore, theyre creaky, theyre gradually getting their wheels into shape, theyre moving. But the moving is determined. And the other thing to consider is the effect of the fact that we are now in an inevitable, global crisis, depression crisis. Nothing will stop it. This system is finished. And the effects of the death of the system, are going to accelerate the effects youve already seen. The problem you get in the Democratic Party, the leadership, which is why you have to understand this to judge itthe problem you have, is that, they say, Yes, yes, youre right. But, uhlook, the markets up. Do they believe the economy is improving? No, they dont believe the economy is improving. They dont believe it. But they believe that many suckers believe in the stock market. Therefore, they dont want to be caught saying bad things about the stock market, for fear that theyll be blamed for the collapse. And when I talk with people in the Congress, members of Congress, thats exactly what you get. They say, Yes, but.... Yes, but.... Yes, but.... That is, they dont have the sense of certainty of the need to act in this way. So their willingness to mobilize for positive action is limited. Their willingness to mobilize for negative action, is there. That is, the idea of introducing a positive change in policy, and posing a positive change in policy, does not exist. It exists as an idea. It exists as something that people talk about; but the passion isnt there. The passion is, to remove things that are considered bad, not to add things that are considered good. Difference. For example: To make legislation to help people who are losing their jobsyes. To push legislation to rebuild the industryno. So, youre at a point where the population is indecisive. On the one hand, it has a sense of victory; it has a sense of that. But it has not yet got the sense of strength to be willing to say, Now, were going to make changes of the type that Franklin Roosevelt typifies, in the history of the United States, today. But thats our situation. Europe Cant Survive Without Change in U.S.Globally, the other side is: that unless this happens in the United States the way it should happen, you can forget Europe. Theres nothing that Europe will do to save itself, unless the United States acts first. Its a complete illusion. Because, look: First of all, European systems are based on parliamentary systems. Parliamentary systems are intrinsically not the systems appropriate for sovereign government. Because, if youre under a parliamentary system, especially parliamentary systems where central banking systems have authority over government, on matters of economic policy and related policy, in that case, the parliamentary system has no authority to deal with a serious crisis, except under the leadership of another government, as for example, when the United States functions, Europe can function. If the United States doesnt function, Europe is a useless thing. Especially Central and Western Europe. Look whats happening in the Netherlands right now. Look whats happening in Belgium, right now. Look at the situation in Italy, right now. Look at the crisis in France, right now. Look at the crisis here in Germany, where the country is dying, and nobody in the government even dares to think about doing anything to stop the process of death! So that, unless the United States acts, to provide leadership in this kind of direction, theres no chance that Europe will survivenone! If the United States goes, youre finished! Europes finished, and finished very soon. Theres no chance. So, were in that situation. I say we have an excellent map. I have an excellent map. I know lots of things. Not everything, but lots of things. And I know the road to victory. I know the direction we should go in. But: I cant guarantee victory. I can only show you the map, and hope that we get enough people, and the right people, to decide, to follow the right signs on the map, and go in the right direction. The other thing weve got to do here in Europe, in Berlin in particular: The only way youre going to get morale, and build anything in Europe, is on this conception I just presented to you. Because, Europeans who are not stupid, no matter what they say, if theyre not stupid, they know Im right. They may not know why Im right, but they know that unless the United States turns, they know, in themselves, that they havent got the guts to do what has to be done! They know that. Maybe the Russians have guts, but the Russians dont have the capability of doing this. Central and Western Europe dont have guts. Look at Eastern Europe, they have the right to speakits a good thing they have the right to speak, because they have a lot to complain about. Theres no country in the former Comecon region, including part of east GermanySaxony, for exampletheres no part that is not worse off economically, today, than it was under the Comecon. All they have is the right to complainif they dont complain too loudly. Theyre worse offfar worse off. You expect morale there? You get even fascist tendencies there, as a result of depression, despair. Central Europe? Nothing! No chance. The British are out to eat the place. Theyre getting ready to, the British are ready to make a new King now. William has just gotten his maturity, hes now qualifiedeven Bildzeitung recognizes hes the coming King. (I dont know with whom, but hes coming.) So, the Queen is out there, merrily planning to have her grandson take over the throne, to replace her errant son, the other candidate, or something of that sort. And you have a fight going on in England, among the Scottish interests, among the English interests, and the Welsh interestsif you pleaseas to how the Lord of the Isles arrangement is going to be configured. A change in the monarchy is in place; theres a fight about it. Theres a fight among these particular types of interests, and theyre preparing to head up (they hope), a globalized world empire. Like a Venetian-style, not as soldiers or Red Coats running the world, that sort of thing. But simply, the City of London, with its Dutch banking associates, will essentially be the center of controlling finances in the world, in a totally globalized system. So, you will get no guts here. But if the European knows that something is in the United States, that is capable and might be disposed to save civilization, then the European says, Okay, we can count on the Americans, cant we? Or, can we count on the Americans? What do we have to do, to get the Americans to do what we require of them, in order to make ourselves free? Therefore, if you knock the U.S. in Europe, if you knock it existentially, you say, Its hopeless, things are going to go on like that forever, its hopeless, youre committing suicide. Youre saying, Lets go die. Only if youre optimistic about what could be the case in the United States, do you have any reason not to be in deep despair.... And thats the problem youve got here.... The policys not oriented to what this organization was based on: It was based on an understanding of history; it was based on understanding what the American Revolution represented in history. And thats been lost. Bush and Cheney Discredited America
What have they done? The Bush-Cheney Administration has destroyed the U.S. military. The Bush-Cheney Administration has conveniently, for the greater glory of the British, destroyed U.S. influence in the entire Southwest Asia. It is on the verge of going to war with Russia. It is on the verge of a war orientation toward China. It is destroying India, as much as it can. Its ruining everything. Its taking the entire Southwest Asia, in the process of destroying it. For example, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States just resigned. Im getting out of here, he said. He packed his bags, and left the United States, al-Turki. Why? Well, because Prince Bandar cut a deal with Cheney, behind the Ambassadors back, for Cheney to have a visit to discuss this policy of his in the Middle Eastwithout informing the Saudi Ambassador to the United States! Now, what does that do? The Saudis are not in the best of shape, shall we sayto put it charmingly, Theyre not in the best of shape. What are they being pushed into? Theyre being pushed into something even they dont want. They have a susceptibility: Theyre afraid that the Shia minority, or probably majority, in that territory, which is also in the oil territory, will somehow join a revolt against them. Theyre upset about the Sunni problem, in the whole region, as the result of this war. Theyre concerned about many things. All these nations, many of whose governments are not much, are frightened. Theyre easily intimidated. And Cheney is working around, on the assumption that the United States is going to support Israel against the Palestinians; on that assumption, theyre all in despair. And even some of them are thinking about joining with the Israelis, against the Shia. Thats not going to go farbecause the Arab on the street wont go for it. But, thats the kind of thing thats going on. Now, what does that do in terms of the United States? It discredits the United States. It discredits people even who want to be corrupt; they want to be corrupted by the United States. But they dont want this! So, thats the kind of situation. And therefore, if you have a United States which is discredited, then you have no optimism in Europe. You have a dark mood, an existentialist mood in Europe, and no future. If there is no hope in the United States, then thats a reality you have to face. However, if there is a chance in the United States, on the map, to make the turn to save civilization, then, youre optimistic. Thats the situation. And thats what the problem is here: if theres any doubt, about whats possible in the United States. Mass Effect of the Youth MovementNow, the other side of the thing, is, the youth question. Yes, the guy wants to set up a business. So, what he does, he hires some employees to fill up an office, which is going to administer the business. The business produces pamphlets, other literature, television advertising, about how wonderful the business is. But! The problem is, the business is based on saving money. Howd they save money? By not employing anybody in the factory, and not producing any product. In politics, the product is the activity of a mass movement, a mass movement orientation. And what I described as the mass effect. Which Ive written about; what I first described to the youth in Berlin on the 3rd of November, which was going to happen in the United States, and it did happen. It happened there; its now happened again with this Texas election. But, without the Youth Movement, without the Youth Movement functioning in the way I have been pushing its functioning, this organization could not continue to exist. And without the Youth Movement, like the one we have in the United States, we dont have a chance for civilization: Because it is this factor, of the age-group between 18 and 35, especially the university-oriented, not necessarily in university, but university-oriented, intellectually orientedthat layer of the population is decisive in determining whether there will be anything in the United States. That is also crucial if theres going to be anything in Europe. So, if you dont have a youth movement, growing in the way I have built it, in the U.S., and tried to build it here in Europe, since 1999, you dont have a prayer of existing! And you might as well shut up your organization, if youre not going to do it! Because the organization will not exist. And it is better to make a decent withdrawal, than to make a disgusting mess of yourself. So, without a youth movement, youre dead. Any plans that dont include a youth movement development of the type were trying to run in Berlin, for example, without that, you dont have an organization in Germanyyoure just kidding yourself. And you dont have any history. And you dont have a future. So what the hell are you doing?
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