Volume 7, Number 3, Fall 1998
Beethoven’s Christ on the Mount of Olives: Gethsemane, As Schiller Would Treat It
by Fred Haight
Beethoven’s Creative Process of Composition: Reflections on Leonore (1806) And Fidelio (1814)
by Anno Hellenbroich
Laughing Between the Lines: Metaphor and Metric in Nicolaus of Cusa’s About Mind
by Dennis Small
A Not So Distant Mirror—The Lessons of the Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age
by William F. Wertz, Jr.
‘To Live in Real History’
Friedrich Schiller: Philosophy of Physiology
Translated by Anita Gallagher.
D.C. Meet: ‘LaRouche’s Forecast Proven Right—All Others Fail’
LaRouche Movement Spurs Broad Coalition: Passage of McDade-Murtha Bill: A Stunning Victory for Justice
Schiller's Aesthetical Education Theme of Germany Conferences
‘New Bretton Woods’ Proposal Presented in Bratislava
Mexico Concerts Launch Fight for Classical Music Education
Maestro José Briano Teaches in Chicago
‘Music Manual’ Presented in Switzerland: Scientific Tuning Is a Moral Question
Professor Norbert Brainin, Primarius of the Amadeus Quartet
by Ortrun Cramer and Hartmut Cramer
‘A Collector’s Cabinet’: Exploring Both the Cosmos and the Soul
by Bonnie James
A Spur To Learn Some Real History
by Nancy Spannaus
Amistad, A motion picture by DreamWorks SKG, Directed by Steven Spielberg
Murder Will Out
by Mary Jane Freeman
The Committee: Political Assassination in Northern Ireland by Sean McPhilemy