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Schiller Institute Conference:

"Rescuing Civilization From the Brink"

July 2-3, 2011

Rüsselsheim, Germany

Keep visiting this page as videos of presentations, transcripts and written contributions
continue to be added.
Last addtion: August 16, 2011: Transcript of "From Big Bang to Big Hole..." in Panel I

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Our Day's Darkest Hour
Report from Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Report from Schiller Institute Board Member Harley Schlanger (video)

Overview of the Conference Proceedings (PDF)

Greeting from R. Thomas Buffenbarger, International President
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers

Other Written Statements

Conference Program and Links


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Panel 1: Imminent Disintegration of the World Financial System
 or Enactment of the Glass-Steagall Act?

Musical Offering: W.A. Mozart, "Ave verum corpus"


The Greatest Crisis in History: Can We Solve It?      Transcript

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder of the International Schiller Institute, President of the Schiller Institute in Germany

10.30  Eng

From Big Bang to Big Hole: How the Financial System Became a Parasite, then a Vampire, and How to Reverse the Process.     Transcript
Eric De Keuleneer, Economics Professor at Solvay Business School, former Member of the Belgian Surveillance Board of the Financial and Insurance Commission

11.00 Eng

Lessons to Be Learned from the Financial Crisis: Undoing Deregulation of the Financial Sector. Suggestions for a New Set-up.
Christen Sørensen, former Chairman of the Economic Council of Denmark


The Significance of the Current Crisis in the U.S. for Europe.
Lyndon LaRouche, U.S. Economist and Statesman






Lunch Break

Panel 2: The Preeminence of Science over Ideology

Musical Offering: W.A. Mozart, Flötenquartett - K285, 2. Satz


The Universe Is Creative.
Sky Shields, LaRouche "Basement Team", U.S.


The Anthropogenic Climate Change Swindle.
Professor em. Friedrich-Karl Ewert, Paderborn University, Germany

15.30 Eng

How Unfettered Deregulation Ruined Agriculture and How to Save It.
Erwin Schöpges, Vice President of the Belgian Dairy Farmers Association MIG

16.00 Eng

Are Earthquakes Foreseeable? Overview of the Current State of Research.
Professor Sergey Pulinets, Institute of Applied Geophysics, Moscow




Musical Evening


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Panel 3: The Industrialization of Africa, the Moral Test for Europe 

Musical Offering: Ludwig van Beethoven, Seufzer eines Ungeliebten und Gegenliebte - WoO 118


French Elections as Creative Challenge for the Perspective of an Overall Renaissance in Development Policy.
Jacques Cheminade, Presidential Candidate, France

10.30 Eng

A Glass-Steagall Act for France.
Eric Verhaeghe, Former Executive of the French Employers' Association



The Impact of the Financial Crisis on French Municipalities.
Daniel Heydt, Mayor of Bellange, Moselle, France


The Significance of Lumumba for a Future Renaissance in Africa.
Wende Da Dese, Vice President of the Friends of Lumumba Association, Brussels12.30




Lunch Break

Panel 4: Classical Culture, an Imperative for Mankind

Musical Offering: W.A. Mozart, Klavierquartett - K285, 2. Satz
  Transferring Water from the Congo to Lake Chad: the Transaqua Project.
Marcello Vichi, Engineer, Architect of Transaqua, Former Director of Bonifica, IRI Group, Italy.


Creativity as Such.
Lyndon LaRouche, U.S. Economist and Statesman


The Musical Soul.
Antonella Banaudi, Opera Singer and Singing Teacher, Italy


The Energy Shift in Germany Will Lead to Deindustrialization. (German)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Ameling, Former President of the German Steel Producers'Association



Written Statements and Articles (not transcripts)

Transcripts of video presentations, if available, will be accessible from the program above. The link will appear immediately following the link to the video.

John Crombez, Member of the House of Representatives of the Belgian Federal Government and a Senator at the Flemish regional Parliament

Greetings from Liliana Gorini, Responsible for Verdi Tuning Campaign of the Schiller Institute and President of the Italian Movimento Solidarietà.

Jean Robieux, the "Father of Laser Fusion", and Former Scientific Director of the CGE Research Center in Marcoussis, France: Laser Fusion and Creativity in the Service of Human Labor German first, followed by English.