Schiller Institute
Book Descriptions
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Friedrich Schiller, Poet of Freedom,
Volumes I, II, III , IV
published by The Schiller Institute
Volume I: Table of Contents: Foreword, by Helga Zepp LaRouche; Translator's Preface; Don Carlos, Infante of Spain; Letters on Don Carlos; Theater Considered As A Moral Institution; On the Aesthetical Education of Man, In a Series of Letters; Poems; The Ghost Seer.
Published by New Benjamin Franklin House, 1985, 451 pp, paperback, $10.00.
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Volume II: Table of Contents: Foreword; Reflections on Schiller and Goethe, by Helga Zepp LaRouche; Poetry ; Drama: Wilhelm Tell; The Parasite, or, The Art of Self-Advancement; History: What Is, and to What End Do We Study, Uiversal History; The Legislation of Lycurgus and Solon; The Mission of Moses; The Jesuit Government in Paraguay; Aesthetics: On Grace and Dignity; On Matthisson's Poems; On Bürger's Poems; Of the Aesthetic Estimation of Magnitude; From the Aesthetical Lectures 1792-93; Kallias, or, On the Beautiful; Wilhelm von Humboldt: On Schiller and the Course of His Spiritual Development.
Published by the Schiller Institute, 1988, 562 pp, paperback, $15.00.
(SCHBK 1988-003)
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Volume III: Table of Contents: Foreword by Helga Zepp LaRouche; Introduction, by William F. Wertz, Jr., "Brief Is The Pain, The Joy Shall Be Eterne"; Poetry ; Drama: The Virgin of Orleans; Homage to the Arts; History: Introduction to The History of the Revolt of the United Netherlands Against Spanish Rule; Aesthetics and Philosophy: Love, Virtue, Friendship; Philosophical Letters; On the Pathetic; On the Sublime; Thoughts Concerning the Use of the Common and Base in Art; On the Necessary Limits in the Use of Beautiful Forms; On Naive and Sentimental Poetry; On the Moral Use of Aesthetic Manners; On Epic and Dramatic Poetry.
Published by The Schiller Institute, 1990, 412 pp, paperback.
(SCHBK 1991-004)
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Volume IV: Table of Contents: Foreword; by Helga Zepp-LaRouche,; Memorial; Marianna Wertz: The Beautiful and the Sublime; A Translator on the Poems; The Artists; ; Shakespeare's Shade: Reviving Classical Poetry Recitation; by Marianna Wertz, Vice-President, Schiller Institute, U.S.A.; Poetry; The Artists; The Pledge; The Walk; The Count of Hapsburg; The Dance; Shakespeares Shade; Fortune; Waiting; Singer's Farewell; Drama: Mary Stuart; Historical Lectures: Some Thoughts on the First Human Society Following the Guiding Thread of the Mosaic Documents: Transition of Man to Freedom and Humanity; Early Writings: Philosophy of Physiology; Aesthetical Essays: On the Reason Why We Take Pleasure in Tragic Subjects; On Tragic Art; On the Employment of the Chorus in Tragedy;
(SCHBK 2003-001)
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Bridge Across Jordan, the Autobiography of Amelia Platts Boynton Robinson, published by The Schiller Institute, pp 414, paperback,
Second Edition: Price Remains Only $10 !
"In Bridge Across Jordan, Amelia Boynton Robinson has crafted an inspiring, eloquent memoir of her more than five decades on the front lines of the struggle for racial equality and social justice. This work is an important contribution to the history of the black freedom struggle, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone who cares about human rights in America." -- Coretta Scott King
It begins in the 1930s, with the sharecroppers' struggles in Alabama, takes the reader through Dr. Martin Luther King's movement in Selma, in which Mrs. Robinson was a leading figure, and concludes with her work with the Schiller Institute in the United States and Europe, where she has been instrumental in making Dr. King's legacy a living idea today.
(SCHBK 1991-002)
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The Science of Christian Economy, and other prison writings, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., 1991, 506 pp, paperback, $15.00.
The volume is dedicated, as LaRouche says in his Preface, to giving remedial assistance in the matter of how to think. These ground-breaking works lay the basis for creating a global leadership which bases itself, as does Mr. LaRouche, on the Socratic method as Schiller defines that in his work The Legislation of Lycurgus and Solon. Without the reemergence of that leadership, Mr. LaRouche asserts, our imperiled civilization will not survive this century's waning years.
Includes major works by Lyndon LaRouche, written from prison between 1989 and 1991:
In Defense of Common Sense; Project A -- LaRouche Discusses His Solution to the "Riddle of the Ages": The Parmenides Paradox of Plato; and The Science of Christian Economy. An extensive Appendix includes discussion of concepts LaRouche references throughout the works, including: I. Conical versus Cylindrical Action; II. The Maximum-Minimum Principle; III. The Golden Section; IV. Formal Deductive Systems; V. How Newton Parodied Kepler's Discovery; VI. The Art of Forming Hypotheses: Kepler's "Harmony of the World "; VII. Transfinite ordering; VIII. Non-algebraic Curves and Negative Curvature; IXX. The Dirichlet Principle; X. Scientific Tuning Middle C=256 Hz; XI. Euler's Fallacies on the Subject of Infinite Divisibility and Leibniz's Monads; XII "Anthropomorphic Science "; XIII. On the Subject of Christian Civilization; XIV. Physics and Natural Law.
(SCHBK 1989-001)
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Toward a New Council of Florence: "On the Peace of Faith" and other Works by Nicolaus of Cusa, translated and with an introduction by William F. Wertz, Jr., published by the Schiller Institute, 1993, 577 pp, paperback, $15.00
What is unique about this volume is first, that it contains translations of twelve works of Cusanus previously unavailable to an English-speaking readership; second, that it contains new translations of three other important works of Cusanus and of the prologues to a fourth; and finally, that it makes all of these translations available in one inexpensive paperback volume.
Published in 1993, this is a compendium of translations by FIDELIO Editor and Institute President William Wertz of the works of the great 15th-century Roman Catholic Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, who, through his work and writings, contributed more than anyone else to the launching of the European Golden Renaissance. The title of the book, Toward a New Council of Florence, expresses the Institute's purpose in publishing it: to spark a new Renaissance today, based on the philosophy of Cusanus. The book includes 14 works of Cusanus most of which were previously unavailable in English translation, as well as four new translations of some of his most important philosophical writings.
(SCHBK 1995-001)
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Cold Fusion: Challange to U.S. Science Policy by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Schiller Institute, Inc. Science Policy Memo, Aug. 1992, 173 pages, paperbound, Price: $20.00.
LaRouche's science policy memorandum is a unique proposal which involves recastinhg the whole of modern science, as it is understood by professional practitioners and academics. It is a passionate call for a scientific renaissance which would revive the Platonic tradition of science. LaRouche develops the case that there is a connection between mathematical physics and the pronicples of classical musical composition; this emerges fromthe source of creativity within the indivudual,whether he or she be a scientist or an artist. Thus, not only is cold fusion a most promising window on new energy resources, but the simple cold fusion-developed apparatus is a most promising window onnew energy resources, but also threatens the hegemony of the whole of the Aristotelian establishment who now run the science mafia.
(SCHBK 1992-001)
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Video- 48 Minutes: "Friedrich Schiller, Poet of the American Revolution" VIDEO-- $35.00 DVD Edition -- $25.00 Play the video (MPG format; can be played with QuickTime) .
Friedrich Schiller, Germany's "Poet of Freedom," brought the ideas and the spirit of the American Revolution and the European Renaissance to Germany, inspiring the founding of the modern German nation-state, and leaving an eternal contribution of the greatest poetry, classical drama and essays perhaps ever written, In this video, produced by the Schiller Institute, the life of Schiller is presented through a narrative account, and through presentations of some of his greatest works, setting his contributions in their historical context, and giving the viewer a deep appreciation of Schiller's true genius.
Order by Name- Schiller Poet Videotape- Price: $35.00
Order by Name- Schiller Poet DVD Price: $25.00
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LaRouche's Economics Textbooks
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So, You Wish to Learn All About Economics? A Textbook in Elementary Mathematical Economics, by Lyndon H. LaRouche
This book was first published in 1984, and reprinted in 1995. We have just made available a limited number of this book in the 1984 edition. The author made a video tape to assist in comprehending the text, which has been reissued on CD.
Price $10.00 (EIRBK 1995)
SPECIAL OFFER, in Conjunction with the Textbook:
1984 Video "Power of Labor"
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. at the Blackboard
"The Power of Labor"
This 80 minute tape is divided into 3 sections, and is an excellent tool
for classroom or serious group study.
Videotape ----- $35.00
CD Version -- $25.00
This basic economics text has since been translated, and may be available, in Spanish, German, Russian, Armenian, Croatian, and other languages. All edition include diagrams.
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Now, Are You Ready to Learn Economics? by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., s a direct, polemical follow-up to LaRouche's 1984 economics text, So, You Wish to Learn All About Economics? As the back cover points out, it's obvious that Americans didn't want to learn over the past 16 years. Now that the world financial system and economy are disintegrating, the AIDS pandemic is striking Black Death proportions, and wars are spreading, perhaps people are ready to master LaRouche's method . Price: $10.00
The book contains four writings by LaRouche, all of which have direct application to what nations and peoples must do after the crash of the financial system. They are:
--People First! (10/4/98)
--On a Basket of Hard Commodities: Trade Without Currency (7/18/00)
--Reality vs. Fiction: The Collapse of the U.S. Economy Over the Last 30 Years (9/2/00)
--New Accounting Standards Are Imperative: The Becoming Death of Systems Analysis
In addition, the 250-page paperback book contains a 24-page section of charts, demonstrating the collapse of the physical economy, as well as an appendix on the Ad Hoc Committee for LaRouche's New Bretton Woods, with a sampling of prominent international signators.
Code: EIRBK-2000-2-0-0-STD
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How the Nation Was Won: America's Untold Story 1630-1754 by H. Graham Lowry
LaRouche associate Graham Lowry's book brings to light the visions, strategy, and accomplishments of those who paved the way for the American Revolution, long before the Declaration of Independence. It began in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630 as an international conspiracy to found a continental republic. This book is must reading for those who are committed to learning the truth about the history of the United States.
Code: EIRBK-1988-1-0-0-PDF
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Treason in America: From Aaron Burr To Averell Harriman By Anton Chaitkin
Did you know that:
- Aaron Burr was not the romantic rebel of modern popular fiction, but a spy for the British and the Swiss opponents of the American Revolution?
- The Secretary of the Treasury of the United States in 1801-1813 was a Swiss nobleman sent here to direct a foreign takeover of the U.S. financial system?
- The traditional "First Families" of Boston made their fortunes exclusively in such criminal activities as drug-pushing, in collaboration with foreign powers at war against the United States?
That's just the beginning of the story of the treacherous Fifth Column subverting the United States, exposed in this book.
This expanded second edition documents in the words of the perpetrators themselves, their continuing campaign to eliminate the American Republic. The story is now carried into the 20th century, naming the names of those who are responsible for the near-collapse of America's moral authority as a republican nation and of her influence as a world power today.
Code: EIRBK-1998-3-0-0-PDF or EIRBK-1998-3-0-0-KINDLE
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The Economics of the Noosphere Why Lyndon LaRouche is the World's Most Successful Forecaster of the Past Four Decades. by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. EIR, 2001. Price $20.00
Available in PDF format only
The time has come when all economists and political thinkers who want to remain relevant to unfolding world realities, will now wish to go much more deeply into the work of Lyndon LaRouche than simply his now-vindicated economic forecasts as such. They will wish to acquaint themselves with, for example, the scientific concepts of biogeochemist Vladimir Vernadsky—the initiator of the idea of the biosphere—whose concept of the "noösphere" has been used and enhanced by LaRouche.
Economists and political leaders in Russia have been intensively studying LaRouche's work in this area.Isn't it time that the leaders of the United States do the same?
Table of Contents
- Introduction: Why You Need This Book
- Shrunken Heads in America Today (March 25, 2001)
- A Philosophy for Victory: Can We Change the Universe? (February 11, 2001)
- The Gravity of Economic Intentions (March 10, 2001)
- Appendix
- Why Dead Minds Can't Know the Noösphere
- On the Fundamental Material-Energetic Distinction Between Living and Nonliving Natural Bodies of the Biosphere by Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky
EIRBK 2001-2
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A Manual on the Rudiments of Tuning and Registration, Volume I, Introduction and Human Singing Voice
Price: $50.00 for DVD (includes Video)
At the Berlin Wall, and in Freedom movements throughout the world, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was chosen as the "theme song" of the revolution for human dignity, because Beethoven's work is the highest expression of Classical beauty. Now, for the first time, a Schiller Institute team of musicains and scientists, headed by statesman and philosopher Lyndon H. Larouche, Jr., presents a manual to teach the universal principles which underlie the creation of great works of Classical musical art.
Book I focusses on the principles of natural beauty, which any work of art must satisfy, in order to be beautiful. First and foremost is the bel canto vocalization of polyphony, sung at the "natural" or "scientific" tuning, which sets middle C at approximately 256 cycles per second. Copious muscial examples are drawn from the Classical musical literature, to show how the natural registration of each species of singing voice, along with natural tuning, is the composer's indispensible "raw material" for the rigorous creation of poeticc ironies without which no work of art can rightly be called "Classsical."
"This Manual is an indispensible contribution to the true history of music, and a guide to the interpretation of music, particularly regarding the tone production of singers and string players alike...I fully endorse this book, and congratulate Lyndon LaRouche on his initiative."
-----Norbert Brainin, Founder and first violinist, Amadeus Quartet
"...without any doubt an excellent initiative. It is particularly important to raise the question of tuning in connection with bel canto technique, since today's high tuning misplaces all register shifts, and makes it very difficult for a singer to have the sound float above the breath... What is true for the voice, is also true for instruments."
-----Carlo Bergonzi, Tenor
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Other Book Titles (Sorry, Sold Out):
Saint Augustine, Father of European and African Civilization (1986)
Rescue the Western Alliance (1984)
The Hitler Book (1984)
"The New Name for Peace is Development" (1988)