Conference Invitation
Labor Day Conference to Focus on How to Beat the World Depression Which Has Now Arrived
As we meet for this year's Labor Day conference of the International Caucus of Labor Committees and Schiller Institute, the present international monetary and financial system is already collapsing. Already, leading financial circles in Europe and elsewhere have echoed the leading newspaper of Switzerland, in warning that a national debt moratorium for Argentina is the only sane choice of the moment for the world at large. Very soon, similar, but even louder demands will be heard, in many more places.
The only question being asked by alert and sane people, around the world, is: "Since the crash is now here, what do we do now?" The only significant issues before both the U.S. and world populations, are the political issues. The most crucial political issue is posed by the following paradox:
What is the chance of recovering from this world depression? On the written record, for more than thirty-five years, economist and statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. has never erred in any of the long-range financial forecasts he has made. His record is unique among almost all of the world's notable economists and statesmen. The question is, do the people of the U.S. and other nations have sufficient intelligence and moral strength to acknowledge the fact of LaRouche's unique economic and political competence at the time that the world's monetary and financial system is now doomed?
Under these conditions, the only question to be raised now, is: Can our citizens discover in themselves the political wisdom and will to choose to survive this depression against which LaRouche has warned, and which has now, in fact, already arrived? The question is: do the U.S. citizens have the ability to avoid repeating the terrible mistakes made by nearly all those voters in the 2000 Presidential election-campaign?
During the recent U.S. Presidential election-campaign, tremendous pressure was exerted from the highest places, to keep LaRouche's candidacy and warnings of this crisis out of the picture. Now, everything against which he warned during that campaign, has now erupted with full force, whereas what other candidates said during that campaign, is now sitting in the same memory-holes where trillions of dollars lost by U.S. stock-market investors and others have already vanished. The question is: have the American people the ability to learn from that experience? Have they still that instinct for survival once seen in the support for President Franklin Roosevelt's leadership out of the Coolidge Depression?
The good news is, that, globally, what LaRouche proposes as solutions are recognized, increasingly, as the only viable options. His New Bretton Woods and Eurasian Land-Bridge proposals have recently been given broad public airing in leading nations; each passing week, new deadly financial and monetary crises in various parts of the world, remind those influentials and others who are thinking, that, once again, LaRouche was right, and his opponents wrong. At last, a growing number of influential U.S. circles, within the U.S. Democratic Party and elsewhere, are also persuaded that LaRouche's unique qualifications for the leadership to bring us safely out of this crisis, must be heard.
As LaRouche said at the conclusion of his testimony to the Russian parliament's Economic Commission, on June 29, 2001:
"Now, as the second quarter of 2001 has been a worse catastrophe than the first quarter, and the third is on the way, the currently leading international political issues of the U.S. -- energy, inflation, and health care -- will be taken over by a growing panic over the obvious onrush of a general economic depression."
"With the presently accelerating collapse of the U.S. as the world's chief importer of last resort for Asia and other parts of the world as a whole, the world is near to that sense of global crisis, at which the need for a general, more or less planet-wide monetary and financial reform will be a leading theme of political discussion in many parts of the world, including the U.S.A. itself."
In fact, there are only political solutions available to solve the current depression crisis -- and the center of discussion of those political solutions is the LaRouche movement. So, all citizens who are seriously thinking about saving their families, their nation, and our posterity, will realize that the only appropriate place to be on Labor Day weekend, is at the ICLC-Schiller conference.
Listen to the entire conference on the internet.
Video tapes will be available for ordering after September 4, 2001.
For conference internet schedule and ordering information,
call 703-297-8368.
Transcripts will be posted on this site.
See Conferences Section for a sampling of previous conference presentations
Aug. 28, 2001 -- Presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., founder of Executive Intelligence Review magazine, will give a major address at 2 pm., eastern standard time, September 1, which will be the broadcast live over the Internet. LaRouche is a registered candidate for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination for 2004.
"You Have Nothing To Fear As Much as Denial Itself," will be the topic of LaRouche's speech, which will be given in conjunction with the annual Labor Day Conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees. That conference is devoted to the theme of "How to Defeat the Depression Which has Already Arrived."
As the Conference invitation notes: "Under these conditions, the only question to be raised now, is: Can our citizens discover in themselves the political wisdom and will to choose to survive this depression against which LaRouche has warned, and which has now, in fact, already arrived? The question is: do the U.S. citizens have the ability to avoid repeating the terrible mistakes made by nearly all those voters in the 2000 Presidential election-campaign?"
LaRouche's keynote will be available on the Internet Bat www.larouchein2004.com, and two other sites: www.larouchespeaks.com and www.larouchepub.com.
Further information on the broadcast of other conference speeches is available through the offices of EIR (703-297-8368)